Welcome to Chapter 245


EAA Chapter 245 follows all provincial rules regarding COVID-19.  Please follow all the mandatory, and common sense rules to protect yourself and others around you.  Our chapter does keep a supply of fresh surgical masks should you forget to bring your mask along.  Be safe.



As we enter 2024, we need to remind everyone that membership renewal time is here.

Please send your dues to Ken Potter, our treasurer, at treasurer@eaa245.org, and we will do the rest.

If you want to join our chapter, please click here for details.

President's Message:


Normally I try to keep these messages light/humorous because we all have enough stressful things going on in our daily lives. Unfortunately, this time I have sad news to impart to you. One of our long-term members has passed away after a brief illness. Lars Eif was a pillar of our EAA chapter having been a member for more than 30 years.  A retired military engineer, and then Transport Canada engineer, I remember meeting Lars back in the early 90s when I first joined the chapter. The workmanship on his scratch-built Steen Skybolt was inspiring (and intimidating to the newbies among us). Lars later built a Van's RV-9A, yet another example of his meticulous approach to everything.

Lars served several terms on the chapter executive including President and for many years ran our yearly executive elections. Always one to give a helping hand, he was always there with a smile and a kind word for whomever needed help or advice.

I know that many of our members, myself included, are missing Lars today and would want his family and friends to know that we all valued his friendship and love of aviation. He will be sorely missed.

Sharing memories: (Click the Image Below) EAA

Membership Coordinator's Message:

2023 Members who have not renewed their membership by August 31st 2024, will be removed from the membership list and google chat. The success of our chapter relies on the support from all of our members and not just the executive.  Please send your remittance to treasurer@eaa245.org and we will do the rest.  Please check out Membership for information regarding membership renewal or becoming a member.

September's General Meeting will be the Chapter Fly-In breakfast and will be held on Sunday 22nd September.

Saturday 21st September will be the setup day, and all hands will be welcome.  We usually start around 10AM.  We also need support for the event on Sunday with the need for carpark attendants, aircraft marshalling, and kitchen staff.  Please don't be shy in coming forwards. Click image below for full sized poster.


Thanks to Alfio for giving a great presentation on his home brewed propeller balancer.


Note: All chapter presentations will be conducted on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00AM, excluding December and July, and will be held at the EAA chapter lounge unless announced by our president.


VMC Club Meeting

Standby for details

This Month’s Question:

QuestionWhat expenses can be legally shared by private pilots and their passengers while operating under Part 91?


EAA Young Eagles

Get your weather at a glance.  Click image below.





EAA Chapter 245 Fly-In Breakfast.

Click Image below for full sized poster.


EAA Young Eagles

Young Eagles Rally Day, Saturday, Oct 5th with a rain day for Oct 6th

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