Upcoming EAA 88 events
2nd Saturday Pancake Breakfasts
The 2nd Saturday Breakfast is hosted by EAA Chapter 88 each month. Join us for breakfast and Young Eagles Flights. Check out our Facebook events page for weather updates and important information each month.
Pancake Breakfast- 8-10 a.m.
Young Eagles Flights (weather permitting) starts at 9 a.m.
3rd Saturday Member Meetings
EAA Chapter 88 Member Meeting- 7 p.m.
Each month has a different speaker or event, please check out our Facebook page for the most up to date information.
Repairs for the Roof Campaign. This is a campaign to raise the $45000 we need to repair the drainage for the roof. We cannot fix the soffits until the drainage is fixed. Here is a link to the GoFundMe website https://gofund.me/f1b3646b There is a bucket at the building where you can donate your extra change to a good cause. Thank you for your help!!
.Please submit your stories, pictures, or marketplace items for the newsletter to eaa88newsleter@gmail.com