From National Weather Service: A storm cell is forming 20 miles northwest of Oshkosh. There is the potential for 25-30 mph wind gusts & rain. If this cell tracks towards Oshkosh, it could arrive around 4:30 to 4:40 p.m.
EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge. Our EAA Chapter 237 members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, building seminars, and more, to build awareness in the community. Every year since 2019 our volunteer efforts and activities have earned us the EAA Chapters Gold Award, a level only some EAA chapters have earned. If you are a member of EAA and are looking for a local Twin Cities chapter to join, please check us out. Not an EAA member? Come to our next chapter meeting and learn the benefits of EAA membership.
Our member's projects have been featured on the cover of EAA's Sport Aviation Magazine (Sport Aviation Articles button below) and we were the lead chapter in the restoration of the EAA's B-25, Berlin Express. EAA considers us a "Go To" chapter when it comes to getting things done. We are an active Young Eagles chapter scheduling flights for kids ages 8-17 on a monthly basis. Our programs for the Ray Aviation Scholarship, Aviation Explorer Post and what we call 'Oshkosh Work Parties' are also very active. Our members are proud of being part of a thriving local EAA chapter. Please reach out to us if you are interested in what we do.
Click on buttons below for more details on these topics.
"It flys like a CUB". Built by chapter member Al Eke and his son Dan and with the help of other chapter members.
Our chapter had another stellar year, under the leadership of Michael Grzincich, giving 361 Young Eagle rides during the year. We held eight events and had four cancelled due to weather, with none scheduled in June due to our Burger Bash. Chapter 237 passed the 8,000 mark this year since the inception of the program thirty years ago. Joe Gmitter gave his 900th Young Eagle ride this year. The chapter received an award at the GMAG event for the second year in a row for the most YE rides given in 2021 in Minnesota and Mike Grzincich and Mike Miller won awards for most flights flown in 2021.
There were fifteen chapter pilots who gave Young Eagle rides this year. There were some who did an impressive amount of flights: Michael Grzincich 117 , Mike Miller 85, Joe Gmitter 37, Glenn Martig 28, Mark Heule 25, Andrew Geppert 23. Three of our YE pilots met the EAA challenge of flying 30 Young Eagle flights during the thirty year anniversary of the Young Eagle program. Other pilots that flew Young Eagle flights during the year are: Tom Briden, Edwin Berniard, Val Hardy, Frank Huber, Chuck Jasicki, Roger Gomoll, Zac Zweifler, Charles Sandgager and John Schmidt.
Our Young Eagle program could not be successful without all the volunteers who check in all the participants and handle all of the paperwork, shuttle the kids and their parents safely to and from the aircraft and marshall the aircraft in and out of their parking spots. Some of the regular volunteers, who have been there throughout the year, are: Ken Erickson, George Wollenburg, Paul Troy, Bob Henkes, Bob Heavirland, Scott Nelson, Kieran Dostal, Chapter Ray Scholars: Joe Van Norman, Elijah Durkin, JJ Runde, Sawyer Hahn and Peyton Felczak.The chapter owes a great deal of thanks to Bryan Orr and the Atlantic Aviation Corporation for the generous use of their facilities for our Young Eagles events and our Burger Bash this year. Hopefully the weather will cooperate next year so we can build on the successes of 2022.
The Ray Aviation Scholarship program continues to be a successful program for EAA Chapter 237. When our three current Ray Scholarship students successfully finish their training, our chapter will have provided the opportunity for nine young men to attain their Private Pilot licenses with five Ray Aviation scholarships awarded to our chapter totaling $46,000. January is the month for chapters to apply to EAA Headquarters for funding for their Ray Aviation Scholarship program, so we are in the process of applying again this year. Because of our high success rate in the first four years, we feel confident the chapter will again receive new funding in 2023.
If you know of a young man or women with a keen interest in learning to fly, please direct them to the details on our Ray Scholarship website page. They need to be at least 16 years old and turning 17 by the end of March 2024. The web page explains more about what we are looking for in a candidate for a scholarship. If they meet some of the criteria, they should follow the directions to apply for the chapter scholarship no later than the end of February, 2023. Of course it will ultimately depend on whether or not the chapter is awarded a scholarship this year.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Support our mission at our Donation Page.
Below is our contact info, or go to the Contact Us page to send us a personal message.
EAA 237 President: Kevin Sislo
Contact: 763-486-6475 | Meetings: Every 4th Monday 6:00 PM
EAA Hangar at ANE
8815 Airport Rd NE Blaine, MN 55449
Programs: IMC Club, VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Flight Advisor, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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