Flinthills EAA Chapter 1364

Educating and serving aviation enthusiasts in the Kansas Flint Hills.

Ray Aviation Scholarship

EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship

The EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program that is funded by the Ray Foundation, managed by EAA, and administered through the EAA Chapters network. Through the generous support of the Ray Foundation, EAA provides up to $12,000 to deserving youths to help cover their flight training expenses, totaling $2,250,000 in annual scholarship funding.

EAA chapters apply for a scholarship, and if approved, the chapter then awards the scholarship to a youth or young adult to help them become a pilot. In addition to scholarship funding, the chapter also helps mentor the scholar and supports them on their path to becoming a licensed pilot.

This scholarship is available for candidates 16-19 years old who are pursuing a Private Pilot or Sport Pilot certificate, and for candidates 15-19 years old who are pursuing a Glider Pilot certificate.

Learn more at EAA.org/RayScholarship

Congratulations to Maya Robinson for being chosen our 2023 Ray Aviation Scholarship winner.

Congratulations to Dominik Perea for being chosen our 2022 Ray Aviation Scholarship winner.

Congratulations to Jonathan Pope our first scholarship winner who now is the proud owner of a Private Pilot license. 


Ray Aviation Scholarship


EAA Chapter 1364 has been selected to grant a Ray Aviation Scholarship for up to $10,000 to a highly motivated young aviation enthusiast who is eager to earn his/her Private Pilot License. This vigorous program requires progress checks along the way, EAA Chapter 1364 participation, and a commitment to future Chapter participation. This program requires the selected scholar to be dedicated to finishing this endeavor in less than one year. Chapter 1364's ability to grant another scholarship next year will directly hinge on the success of this year's scholar. The scholar and parents will choose the flight school or CFI. Families should be prepared for the cost of training for the Private Pilot License to exceed $10,000. The terms of the scholarship agreement require our Chapter contact to conduct monthly progress checks with the CFI and scholar. Required milestones of progress are

-Begin flight training within 60 days of scholarship award, -Solo within 3 months of scholarship award, -Pass the FAA Private Pilot Knowledge exam within 6 months of scholarship award, -Pass the Private Pilot checkride within 12 months of scholarship award. Funding will be from EAA Headquarters to our Chapter account. The initial installment will be $4,000. After the first solo flight, another $4,000 will be made available from EAA Headquarters. After the FAA knowledge exam is passed, the final $2,000 will be available. We will distribute funds directly to the flight school. Direct flight training costs are covered, including aircraft rent, instructor fees, fuel, flying club dues, flight school required insurance and examiner fees. Supplies and study materials are not covered. If the scholar obtains the license using less than $10,000, there are provisions for using some of the unused money toward additional flying by the scholar, The scholarship applicant will be between the ages of 16 to 19, possess an aviation medical certificate, commit to two hours per month of Chapter 186 volunteer service, submit required progress reports, begin training within 60 days of award and complete training in 12 months. The EAA application for the Chapter-selected scholar will include a 250 word essay as well as questions regarding how they will fund costs in excess of the award, why they want this experience, etc. Chapter 1364 would like to hear from anyone that would like to be considered for this opportunity. Better flying weather is coming! Do you want to spend your summer at the pool and beach and playing video games? Or would you rather study aviation weather, navigation and airplane systems and take flying lessons? We are looking for candidates that will commit to spending their free time to learning to fly. The EAA recommends 3 to 4 flight lessons per week. One flying lesson per week makes progressing through the lessons difficult. Note that if you have already soloed or passed the written, this scholarship does not pay for those milestones already reached. Interested candidates are invited to send an email to flinthillseaa@gmail.com with the following information


Name,address, birthdate -

Have you completed the Sporty'Learn to Fly course

What other ground school preparation have you completedif any-

What is the date on your Aviation Medical Certificate-

Have you passed the FAA Private Pilot Knowledge (the writtenexam?

Describe any flight training you have received-

Have you attended the EAA Air AcademyIf sowhen-

How much time will you commit each week during the school year-

How much time will you commit each week during the summer break?

Why do you want to learn to fly? 

What are your aviation goals and dreams?

Why do you think you should be awarded this scholarship?  Please provide parent/guardian email address for contact


Jeremy Gorman, Ray Aviation Scholarship Coordinator EAA Chapter 1364, flinthillseaa1364@gmail.com 

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