Chapter By Laws

Article I Name: EAA Chapter 958
Article II. Location: San Marcos, TX, USA
Article Ill. Purpose: The purpose of this Chapter is to:

1. Promote, encourage, and facilitate an atmosphere where all are welcome to join in and become a part of recreational aviation.
2. Promote, encourage, and foster an environment that celebrates and nurtures the participation of families and the spirit of volunteerism within the world of recreational aviation.
3. Promote, encourage, and facilitate an environment that fosters safety and high standards in the design, construction, restoration, and operation of all types of recreational aircraft.
4. Promote, encourage, and facilitate recreational aviation activities that provide educationjal opportunities.
5. Promote a positive, productive, and cooperative relationship between the Chapter and those governmental agencies and private enterprises that provide aviation services and facilities to the benefit of members of the Chapter.
6. Promote, encourage, and facilitate Membership in the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association Incorporated).
7. Support and promote the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the EAA
(Experimental Aircraft Association) through programs and services within the Chapter family.
8. Support the Southwest Regional Fly-In
9. Have fun!

Article IV Chapter Membership

Eligibility for Chapter Membership: Eligibility for membership in the Chapter is open to any person who has an interest in recreational aviation, subject to the classifications of membership listed in Article IV, Sections 1- 5.

Classifications of Chapter Membership: There are five (5) types of Chapter Memberships. These Chapter Membership Classifications include: Regular, Family, Honorary/Complimentary, Special, and Life. The specific details of these Chapter Membership Classifications are described in the following paragraphs:
Regular Chapter Membership: A Regular Chapter Member shall be any person who pays Chapter dues and is a Member in good standing of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated).
Family Chapter Membership: A Family Chapter Membership shall be any family, including parents, and children, who pay the appropriate Chapter Membership dues and are Family Members of EAA
(Experimental Aircraft Association Incorporated).
Honorary/Complimentary Membership: Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Member shall be any person to whom the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership wishes to extend an Honorary Chapter Membership. Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Memberships may be given to a person in recognition or appreciation of the support that person has provided to the Chapter. Honorary/Complementary Chapter Members may not hold any elected or appointed Chapter Office or Position, nor are they entitled to any voting privileges within the Chapter. Honorary/Complimentary Members are not required to be members of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association Inc.), but the Chapter Office at EAA Headquarters will extend a complimentary one year EAA Membership to any Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Member upon written request from the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors or Chapter Membership.
Special Chapter Membership: A Special Chapter Member shall be any person, who for temporary or short-term economic reasons is unable to pay the appropriate Chapter Membership dues and to whom the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership wishes to extend a Chapter Membership. The Chapter Office at EAA Headquarters will extend a one year complimentary EAA Membership to any Special Chapter Member upon written request from the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership.
Life Chapter Membership: A Life Chapter Membership may be bestowed on an individual Chapter Member at the discretion of the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership. All Life Chapter Members must be members in good standing of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated). A Chapter Life Membership recognizes the long-term commitment to EAA and the Chapter made by the individual. A Life Chapter Member may hold any
Chapter Office, shall have full voting privileges within the Chapter, and is exempt from annual Chapter dues.

Duration of Chapter Membership: The Duration of a Regular and Family Chapter Membership shall be one (1) calendar year. Honorary/Complimentary or Special Chapter Memberships may be extended or continued beyond one (1) year at the discretion of the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership. Life Chapter Membership is continuous for the life of the Chapter Member. Life Chapter
Membership is not transferable to another person. All Chapter Members with voting privileges in the Chapter must maintain a current membership with the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association Incorporated), except for the Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Members.
Voting Privileges of Chapter Membership: Voting privileges within the Chapter shall be limited to Regular Chapter Members, Family Chapter Members (excluding Children under 18 years of age), Special Chapter Members and Life Chapter Members. Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Members shall not have voting privileges within the Chapter.
Removal of Chapter Membership: Chapter Membership is a privilege, which requires an appropriate commitment from each Chapter Member. Each Chapter Member shall accept the responsibilities of Chapter Membership, and by acceptance agrees to promote EAA and the Chapter. In the event a Chapter Member fails to meet these requirements, they may be asked to relinquish their Chapter Membership in accordance with the following conditions:
1. Any Chapter Member, who by intentional negligent or reckless deed or action, harms or jeopardizes the reputation or assets of the Chapter or EAA, may be called before the Chapter Board of Directors and Chapter Officers for review. Upon conclusion of a review, the Chapter Board of Directors and Chapter Officers may upon finding reasonable cause, recommend to the Chapter Membership that said member be removed from Chapter Membership. Said Member may then be
removed, by a majority vote of eligible members at any regular or special Chapter Membership Meeting where a quorum exists.
2. Any Chapter Member who fails to remit their Chapter Membership dues or fails to maintain their Chapter Membership in the EAA shall be considered removed from Chapter Membership.
3. Resignation of Membership: Any Chapter Member may resign their Chapter Membership at any time by delivering to any Chapter Officer a written notice of resignation. The resignation of Chapter Membership shall become effective on the date stated in the written notice. In the event the written notice of resignation does not contain an effective date, the date the Chapter Member delivers the written notice to any Chapter Officer shall become the date of resignation.
ARTICLE V. Chapter Membership Dues and Assessments
The Chapter Officers and Chapter Board of Directors, with the concurrence of the
Chapter Membership, will determine appropriate dues and assessments. The rate of dues or the amount of assessment shall be voted on and agreed to by the Chapter Membership at any regular Chapter Membership Meeting or Special Chapter Membership Meeting. The proposed dues or assessment must pass by a majority vote of eligible Chapter Members in attendance. Dues and assessments shall be paid to the Chapter Treasurer, or any person they may designate. Dues are payable upon joining and renewals are due no later that the first meeting in January of each year thereafter. Assessments shall be paid as determined by the Chapter Officers and Chapter Board of Directors, with the majority concurrence of the Chapter Membership. Dues and assessments shall be considered wholly earned and shall not be pro-rated in the event of expulsion or resignation.
Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Members and Special Members shall not be required to pay any dues or assessments. Life Chapter Members, while not required to pay dues, however may be required to pay assessments.
Article VI. Meeting of Members
1. All meetings of the Chapter Members shall be held at a place to be determined by the Chapter President and/or Board of Directors
2. Notice of any Regular Chapter Meeting of the Chapter Members shall be given before such meeting by notice published in a Chapter publication, such as the Chapter Newsletter, or by phone, fax, or e-mail.
3. Special Chapter Membership Meetings may be held at such time and place as the Chapter President may determine. Special meetings may also be called by a twothirds (2/3) majority of the Chapter Board of Directors.
4. Notice of Special Chapter Membership Meetings, stating the location, time, and purpose of the meeting shall be given in the same manner as the notice required for the regular meetings, or by special letter.
5. A quorum is required for any Chapter Membership Meeting; a quorum shall consist of at least one third (1/3) of the Chapter Members in person or by proxy but not less than 10 Chapter Members.
6. In the absence of the Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, and Chapter Treasurer, a temporary Meeting Chairman may be appointed by the Chapter Board of Directors and shall act as the presiding officer.
7. At every meeting of the Chapter Members, each voting Chapter Member may have one vote on any question or resolution. In the absence of a Chapter Member, that Chapter Member shall have the tight to vote by proxy. The Chapter Board of Directors shall be responsible for the method by which any proxy votes are issued, accepted, or counted.
8. A simple majority of Chapter Members, that are eligible to vote, must be present or represented by proxy for the adoption of any resolution, except for a resolution that calls for the Chapter to separate its relationship with the Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated. In which case a majority of not less than eighty percent (80%) of the members eligible to vote, present, or represented by proxy, is necessary for the adoption such resolution.

Click here for complete list of By Laws

Article VII Chapter Officers

Article VIII Duties of the Chapter Officers
Article IX. Chapter Board of Directors Article X. Vacancies (Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary.
Chapter Treasurer)
Article XI. Elections Article XII Transition of Leadership
Article XIII. Financial Reports Article XIV. Facilities. Tools, and Other Assets
Article XV. Chapter Nominating Committee Article XVI. Chapter Membership Committee
Article XVII. Organization Committees Article XVIII. Dispute Resolution
Article XIX. Amendments Article XX. Dissolution
Article XXI. Chapter Charter Authorization