The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) “Young Eagles” program was launched in 1992 to introduce and inspire young people to the world of aviation, by flying them in a general aviation airplane. Over 2.2 million young people have now flown as Young Eagles. Many pilots can trace their love of aviation to a very young age. The volunteers who participate in the Young Eagles program are local members of EAA who are volunteering their time and aircraft to make your flight possible. EAA is a membership organization based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. For more information from EAA headquarters about the Young Eagles program, visit
Once again, the EAA Chapter 391 is giving free plane rides to (Young Eagles) children 8 to 17 years old. Flights are planned for the following days (one kid flight per year):
- Saturday, May 31st
Space is limited. Parents will need to pre-register and sign a release. Kids will receive a flight briefing. Once in the air, the kids will see the Earth from the sky while taking a 20-minute scenic flight. After the flight, kids will receive their own logbook and will be entered into the largest logbook in the world ( More than 2 million Young Eagles have already flown, but you must pre-register per the instructions below! Let’s go flying!
In advance of your flight, the Parent/Student is requested to click on the Download below, and read the following brochures, which can also be handed out hard-copy on the day of the flight:
- Parent- “Inspiring the Next Generation”
- Student- “Your Guide to the Young Eagles Experience”
You will be notified by email as to your required arrival time.
The Student/Parent is requested to pre-register by emailing . Please provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Parent/Guardian Name
- Preferred Date of Flight
- Student Age at time of Flight
- Contact Phone #
- Contact Email Address
Not earlier than 10 days before the flight the Student/Parent will receive an email from the flight coordinator stating the date and time of the scheduled flight. Flights may be rescheduled due to inclement weather or postponed to another date based on pilot availability.
Meet your Pilot
The pilots who participate in the Young Eagles program are local members of EAA who are volunteering their time and aircraft to make your flight possible. Each Young Eagles pilot is certificated with the Federal Aviation Administration or Transport Canada. Flights are conducted according to federal regulations and no aerobatic maneuvers will be performed.
What will my pre-flight be like?
First of all, your pilot will explain what you will see and do. This may include explaining how airplanes work, looking at an aeronautical chart (or map), and describing the interior of the airplane, including the instrument panel. Then comes the fun part: you get to go flying!
Safety Reminders
Safety is always the top priority when it comes to aviation. Listen and follow instructions given by your pilot; stay away from the propellers; and stay with your pilot or ground crew at all times.
What will my flight be like?
You will spend about 15 to 20 minutes in the air and follow the basic steps in the flight pattern. You will experience the awesome feeling of flight that many people only dream about. Many people remember this experience for the rest of their lives. You will, too!
Direction information:
Meet at “Sundance Aviation” at 1903 Terminal Drive, Richland, WA. Turn off the Bypass Highway (240) at Airport Way.
NOTE: Sundance Aviation is not associated with the Young Eagles program.