EAA Chapter 282 Members' Section
EAA Chapter 282 is a local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Members and friends can be found working in our hangar Tuesdays and Thursdays weekly at Clearwater Air Park, (known locally as ID:KCLW) in Clearwater, Florida. See Monthly Members' Meetings on Member's Section page for locations and the occasional alternate Mondays as we schedule around holidays. Visitors are always welcome and we strongly encourage new membership in our organization.
If you wish to become a member of our chapter, please contact our chapter Vice President, Dave Harvey by email : vpresident@eaa282.org,or by calling: (813) 765-2204 or just attend the next chapter meeting and introduce yourself when we ask guests and visitors to do so.
Membership dues are $40.00 per year ($20 for new members in their first year). Meeting times and locations are listed in Events
If you want to fill out our new member application you can download a PDF copy of the Membership Application, mail or email it to us, or bring it with you to our next chapter meeting.