Chapter 162

About Us

EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge. Chapter members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, building seminars, and more, to build awareness in the community.

EAA chapter 162 has been serving Nashville since 1966. Our members have built and fly a wide range of aircraft. Chances are, if it flies, you'll find a Chapter 162 member who has flown it, built it, or repaired it. 

Our meetings are held on the third Monday of the month. We currently meet at the Forge Flightworks 2nd floor conference room, Hangar 624 at  Smyrna Airport. (KMQY) Light dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:00pm   RSVP Here

Our meetings are open to all aviation enthusiasts of all ages, whether pilot or not, interested in learning to fly or not, wanting to build or not, or just wanting to hang around and talk about airplanes and aviation.

Our programs include educational sessions on general piloting technique, aviation physiology and safety, as well as topics relevant to those who are building or interested in building their own aircraft.

EAA 162 Group Email List - We use  to communicate among members on a regular basis. Members are encouraged to join the list to receive timely announcements regarding chapter activities and aviation related information from chapter members. Subscription is open to non-members of the Chapter. 

Join the EAA162 email list by

1. Clicking this link:    https//

2. Click on the EAA162 logo

3. Click on  "Sign up" on top right


2024 Directors
President Howard Kohnstamm
Vice President Richard Wall
Secretary Richard Wall
Treasurer Howard Kohnstamm
Young Eagles  Howard Kohnstamm (temp)


EAA Chapter 162 Bylaws - available here

History of EAA Chapter 162 from 1963-1984

EAA 162
President: Howard Kohnstamm
Contact: 615-406-6426 |
Meetings: Every 3rd Monday 6:30 PM
Smyrna Airport | Forge Flightworks - Hanger 624, Upstairs Conference Room
624-B Fitzhugh Blvd
Smyrna, TN 37167

Programs: Young Eagles
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