Questions or comments about this website? Email us at eaachapter1160@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you!
Young Eagles Rally on October 19th was a great success! Thank you everyone!
On the 16th, we welcomed the 3rd grade class from Community Christian Academy for a Show 'n' Tell. The kids (and a few parents) learned about an S-LSA aircraft, an Avid MkIV project in progress, and a Part 103 Ultralight aircraft!

The Pancake Breakfast was an amazing success! We want to thank all who attended and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! We'll do it again soon! In the meantime, we'll be posting about our Young Eagles Rally coming up in May so keep an eye out for that! Thank you again, everyone!

Like our Facebook Page to stay up-to-date! We will be planning the next Young Eagles Rally soon! We also have Pancake Breakfasts, BBQ Fly-ins, Flight Simulator Nights, Build Projects, RC Projects, and more! Don't miss out!
These photos are from the 2023 Young Eagles Rally. Check the calendar for the next one!


Click here to see the complete FAA information on AirNav.com
Young Eagles Flight and Ground Operations
- The president of the Calvada Airpark Board of Directors is the airport manager, and is the final authority on all matters related to airport use. A left hand pattern applies to both runways 15 and 33, and pattern altitude is 3700 fee MSL. Flight operations will be conducted in accordance with FAA recommendations for a left hand traffic pattern.
- Chapter 1160 will apply for the EAA Young Eagles insurance certificate for the event. A copy of this certificate will be provided to the airport manager before the event.
- The Young Eagle Event will operate in a way as to have minimal impact on other airport operations. In particular, taxiways will not be blocked by unattended airplanes.
- The airport manager, the president of EAA Chapter 1160, and the ground controller will be included for the pilot briefing.
- All airplanes flying Young Eagles will park in spaces intended for aircraft parking while the taxiway remains clear. When the pilot escorts Young Eagles to his airplane, any preflight familiarization should be conducted in the parking space. When ready to board, the pilot (and ground crew if needed) will move the airplane onto the taxiway for boarding. (Manual airplane movement may not be necessary if the parking surface is acceptable for propeller operation.) Excessive boarding times on a taxiway will be avoided to minimize taxiway blocking.
- The CTAF frequency of 122.8 will be monitored by all aircraft and the ground controller. Pilots will make radio calls indicating their position and intentions both in the air and on the ground.
- If the wind favors runway 15, departures may be made straight out. Arrivals should cross the center of the runway from the west at a minimum of 500 feet above the traffic pattern (4200 MSL). Once clear of the airport, a 225 degree descending turn to the right will place the airplane at pattern altitude on the standard 45 degree entry to downwind, and the standard traffic pattern will be flown to landing.
- If the wind favors runway 33, departures will be made to the south from downwind. Arrivals will approach the pattern from the northwest at pattern altitude on a heading for the standard 45 degree entry to downwind. The standard traffic pattern will be flown to landing.
- At the conclusion of each flight, the arriving airplane will stop in a position where it can be readily relocated into a parking space after the occupants deplane. A ground crew will be available to assist as needed.