Chapter 1117

Meeting Minutes

April 2022 Minutes


A regular meetings of Chapter 1117 was held on April 16th, 2022.  It was chaired by President Mike Holland.


He asked if there are any additions, changes or amendments to the minutes of the last meeting on March 19th.   There were none; the minutes were accepted by the membership present.
Treasurers Report:  The club treasury presently contains $11,377.61. (Tom Boos)
Tom Boos made the announcement that the club will offer two $1,500 flight scholarships this year.  Eligible young people will be chosen from Greeley and the immediate adjoining towns.  Appications are being distributed.  All club members are invited to make recommendations for these scholarships.

Brock Ramirez, our James Ray Scholarships winner, briefed the club on his flight lesson progress.  With a cross country scheduled this week; he is close to completing his private pilots rating. Brock is a full-time student of CSU studying engineering.

This business meeting was shortened in order to allow ample time for Truman S. to present Fighter Tactics and experiences flying the F-4 Phantom.  A DVD was also shown about air to air engagements in the Viet Nam war.

Meeting adjourned at aprox. 10:40.     Truman S., Secy.


March 2022 Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on March 19th 2022 in the Greeley airport conference room.  The meeting was followed by a Chapter 1117 Young Eagles flying event, which started at 11:00 AM.


Mike Holland presided.


Mike H. introduced guests Rick Austin, and returning guests Jeremy Bland, Jameson Bland, and Stan Scott.


The meeting was centered around final planning for our sponsorship of EAA National’s Boot Camp leadership training on Sat. April 2nd. in the airport conference room. Procedures expected by EAA National of sponsoring EAA clubs were reviewed.  There will be a dinner Friday evening April 2nd at the Gourmet Grub restaurant at 6PM for those attending the training session. Each person is responsible for their own meal expense. 


There will not be a Saturday evening meal, or a Saturday morning breakfast, but light snack items will be available throughout the morning, along with coffee, juice and water.  A sandwich lunch will be provided.


At present 33 attendees are expected, in addition to the two EAA presenters. 


Jim B.  Briefed on the Young Eagles event.


Meeting adjourned at 9:44.    Truman S. Secy.



February 2022 Minutes


No minutes as the Awards Dinner substituted for the regular meeting


January 2022 Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Jan. 15th 2022 in the Greeley airport conference room.  President Mike Holland presided.


The minutes of the Dec. 18th meeting were voted on and accepted, with no changes.


Committee reports:

Lee D. (Treasurer) The club treasury has, presently, $9805.01.   

Briefed the club on the club's present point accumulation status for Chapter Credits with EAA National, and how credits are earned.  Up to 11 credits can be earned each year.   A new extra credit point was added to the original 10 points to earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold Status.  Due to our having one of three items which include 1.) having a tool crib, which we do, 2.) a club sponsored flight scholarship program, which we do, and 3.) having a separate facility, which we do not.  Other points were earned by having an active Young Eagles program, and managing the James Ray scholarship.  The club is current on our reporting status to National on our activities and accomplishments. 


Correction/Clarification to above paragraph:


This is a correction to the original minutes of the Jan. 15th meeting.  As communication during the meeting over was weak, comments were not easily understood. The following is an update on Lee Delvin’s comments concerning the James Ray scholarship chapter recognition, and will be attached to the original to replace his comments concerning scholarships:  


We were notified about updating our chapter recognition status, which helps in qualifying for the Ray Scholarship funds.  


This is how the program works. Our chapter will receive one point when meeting each of the following criteria:

  1. Attends a chapter leadership training session

  2. Growing or steady membership

  3. Offers IMC or VMC Club programs

  4. Participates in Young Eagle or Flying Start programs

  5. Has EAA-approved Flight Advisor or Technical Counselor

  6. Participates in EAA's Annual Chapter Member survey

  7. Participates in Young Eagles Build and Fly, Young Eagles Workshops, or sends a youth to EAA’s Air Academy

  8. Requests an EAA ChapterBlast email

  9. Hosts at least two public events each year

  10. Owns/leases a facility

  11. Extra credit activity, such as a chapter build project, youth build project, chapter scholarship (separate from Ray Scholars), a chapter tool crib, IAC competition, etc.

Each of these criteria that your chapter has met will be worth one point, and every chapter will have the ability to earn up to 10 points. January of each year, chapters scoring at least seven out of ten will be publicly recognized by EAA. There will be three levels of recognition. Bronze (7 out of 10), Silver (8 out of 10), and Gold (at least 9 out of 10).


The first 10 criteria are reported each year when we renew our chapter data or otherwise drawn from EAA’s database.  The 11th criteria for the extra point must be reported manually.  Lee was able to submit the fact that we have a tool crib to earn the extra credit point.  Previously, we had achieved Bronze status, earning points for 7 of the 10 criteria.  We missed points for leadership training, ChapterBlast email request, and for not owning or leasing a facility.




Tom B.  The club is in the process of making the last James Ray scholarship payment to the Blue Sky Flyers to finish up Brock Ramirez’s flight training.


Everyone keep eyes open to recruiting other young people for both the James Ray scholarship and the Chapter 1117 flight scholarships.  The James Ray scholarship requires that a person be member of Chapter 1117 for two years, so the sooner a candidate is enrolled and active in the club, the better.  The Chapter Scholarship offered by the Chapter is for youth in Greeley and the surrounding area, but not Ft. Collins or Loveland as they have chapter 515 to apply with.


Brock Ramirez reports that he has passed his private pilot’s written test and is now planning his solo cross country.  The membership wished him well and a hearty congratulations!


Mike H.  The club will continue to seek out potential James Ray Scholars, and Chapter 1117 flight scholars.  All club members can be active recruiters (and are encouraged to do so) with their knowledge of various young peoples' groups, ie: local sports, CAP, Young Eagles host pilots, Scouting troops, teachers, following up with parents from previous activities, etc.  The club will remain registered with EAA National as a James Ray scholarship sponsor, so as to not have to go through originating paperwork each year.  


A portion of any future regular Chapter 1117 meeting can be used for members to talk on any ongoing airplane projects they are experiencing, and would like to share. 


The recognition (Master Pilot Award) for Darrel Dilley will take place at Blue Sky Flyers on Saturday, Jan. 29th.


Frank W.  Gliders are another way of breaking into aviation.  Two years ago, Wings Over the Rockies awarded 53 scholarships for glider lessons.  One can solo a glider at the age of 14. After solo, student pilots may qualify as a Private Pilot-Glider provided the are at least 16 years of age.  Lessons locally can be had using Owl Canyon or Boulder glider organizations.  Coloradoans can soar year around due to the mild weather and plentiful sunshine.   Many states in the east and northeast do not have this advantage.   A discussion about the current drone world, it’s rapidly expanding movement, and its importance to society and science happened.


Truman S. The club’s winter recognition dinner will  be held at the Cattlman’s Restaurant on Feb. 19th at 6 PM.  A further reminder, and sign up, will be sent out at least a week prior, and will include the meal offerings and prices.  


Meeting adjourned at 10:55.           Truman S., Secy.




December 2021 Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Dec. 18th, 2021 in the Greeley airport conference room.  Ron Bland presided.


Guests were:  Jeremy Bland, Jameson Bland and Scott Trienen. 


Committee reports:  


Tom B.  The Chapter is getting toward finishing up the James Ray scholarship for Brock R. Once his written test is completed the final payment will be made to the Chapter. 


A separate chapter scholarship is still being planned.  Past applicants are still on the consideration list.


Lee D.  (Treasurer)  Present accounts total $8001.90.  


Ron B.  At present there are no plans to have Learn to Fly days in 2022.  Because Aims Fight School moved to FNL, and can no longer facilitate a LTF day; other fund raising options may be considered. 


Young Eagle’s days are still planned, but those events do not raise money.  Ideas were discussed about other means of fundraising so that the Chapter can continue to offer flight scholarships for young people.  Ideas from the membership are welcome.


The Chapter has agreed to host an EAA National Boot Camp leadership training session in early 2022, however EAA National has postponed this due to the new Omicron Covid variant that is spreading quickly in the U.S. 


Chapter shirts and/or jackets with patches was discussed.  Iron on patches are possible.  Colors and styles will be considered.  An aviator style was generally agreed to. No final decision has yet been made on this at present. 


There will be no regular meeting in January as we will be having our winter recognition dinner on Jan. 15th at the Cattleman’s Restaurant.


Truman S.  A clipboard sign up was passed around for the January 15th dinner.  Those planning to attend please email me at:  Let me know how many will be in your party. This is a courtesy to the restaurant, who has asked us to give them a count of  planned attendance.  I will send out another reminder for sign up in early January. 


In November’s meeting the membership approved a new member’s dues policy, and it was reviewed in this meeting.  The specific language covering this new  policy is as follows: 


Chapter  1117 will allow spouses/significant others/children aged 18 and younger to become members of the chapter that would be covered under the member's 25 dollar fee each year.  The EAA member would need to pay ten dollars extra to the EAA national organization annually for a family membership which will give each qualifying family member an EAA number.  Those who have gone through the Young Eagles program would also be eligible for free chapter membership as they are assigned an EAA student membership and number when they enter the unique code given to them in their YE student logbook that will be in effect until they reach age 19.  In addition, any college students in good standing with national EAA organization would be allowed to waive the $25 chapter membership fee as long as they are attending school full time.  


No change to the Chapter By-laws will be required as this is  considered normal business that can be reviewed/rewritten each year.

November 2021 Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Nov. 20th, 2021 in the Greeley airport conference room.  Mike Holland presided.

Mike H. The planned presentation of the two Master Pilot Awards has been postponed, as one of the presenting FAA reps. was unable to attend due to illness.  This will take place at later date yet to be determined.  


The club’s annual winter dinner will be Sat. Jan 15th 2022.  Truman will visit with the Cattleman’s restaurant about having it there, as we have done in the past.  More on this later.


 EAA National has offered our club a hosting opportunity for their Boot Camp leadership training.  They had one in Boulder in Jan. of 2018 that was a big success with approximately 40 people in attendance, and they would like to return to Colorado for this one day event in 2022.  Other club’s in Colorado are also vying to host this event.  EAA announce a window of Jan. 2022 on any Saturday though the end of March. This is one day event that lasts from 8 until 5 PM.  We, in coordination with the airport have a facility, airport and ramp space that will complement these seminars.  It is anticipated that the club’s manpower requirements for this event will be minimal, basically setting up the conference room and being available for other errands.  Lee D. briefed on one of these sessions that he attended aprox. 10 years ago.  These sessions will present leadership topics such as managing a club, office holders duties and effectiveness, fund raising ideas, community outreach etc., etc.  This opportunity highlights the importance of Colorado to the overall EAA efforts and leadership.  All members gave yes vote on doing this important participation; the next step is to coordinate with the airport manager, restaurant etc. 


Guests were introduced;  Carl Mattson, (a lifetime EAA member and seaplane owner/pilot) Andrew Krebs, (an active full time C-130 pilot) and Peter Jones, (who is building a Pietenpol aircraft).


Old business:  Brock Ramirez briefed on his progress with flying lessons; he has recently flown a cross country to Akron, has had a night flight, and is studying for the private pilot’s written exam.


Frank W.  The Soaring Society of America will hold its annual convention in the Reno Sparks Convention Center.  Ten display booths remain to be leased.  Much new designs/equipment will be on display.  It will be held Feb. 24th through the 26th.


Mike H. and Lee D. presented a proposal/motion to allow spouses/significant others/kids aged 18 and younger, of a club member, to become members of the club without paying the 25 dollar fee each year, and only pay ten dollars, if they already have an EAA number.  Those with a Young Eagles number up to the age of 19 would be included.  All such people would have to be in good standing with EAA National.  A vote was taken with all in favor.   Mike H. presented a motion to amend the by- laws to reflect this procedure. The exact wording will be written and reviewed at the next meeting under old business.  


Lee, D.  (Treasurer) Financial report:   At present our accounts have $9,582.39. This figure fluctuates to some degree with income and expenditures in the administration of the James Ray scholarship. The club’s hard working hot dog sales team garnered $1,682.00 at the Blue Angels event, with $260.00 in tips, which gave us a total of $1942.00.  Thank you team members and spouses!   These funds will mostly be used to finance Chapter 1117 flight scholarship(s) in the future.  In addition, $650.00 was given to the club from a former member’s tool sales, and $600.00 was donated to the club for Ed. O'Connor’s memorial.


2022 EAA calendars are available for a discounted price $8.00.  See or contact Lee.  


Jim B.  We may be looking at the next Young Eagles day in May or June.  Discussed was the possibility of purchasing shirts with YE patches or other embroidery depicting a club message.  This has been tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at aprox. 10:45.                      Truman S. Secy.



October 2021 Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Oct. 9th, 2021, in the Greeley airport conference room. Mike Holland presided.



Tom Boos reports that a Light Speed headset is in shipping for Brock Ramirez.  As he completed his solo he was eligible to receive this from the EAA National James Ray scholarship program.  Part of having this gift is that Brock will have chances to evaluate the set, and give testimonial as to its attributes and effectiveness.


Son Jonathan is engaged to be married, living in Dallas, and flying the Pilatus PC-12 for Boutique Air. Jonathan began his aviation interest through family and flying as one our Young Eagles.


Lee D.  (Treasurer)  Both of the clubs accounts together show a balance of $9179.98. 

Two chapter banners have been ordered, and are being paid for by using the club's EAA credit.  These will be for use on event days such as Learn to Fly Day, and others. 


Mike H. mentioned taking a high resolution picture of the clubs emblem and having that printed onto (added to) the new banners.  This is being explored by Lee D.


Chapter 515 of FNL flew 41 young people (Young Eagles) on Sat. Oct. 2nd.  (Mike did some of that flying)


Sat. Oct 16th and Sun. Oct 17 is the Blue Angel airshow.  Other flying is planned also including an F-35 “team”.  We are supporting Chapter 515 in manning a food tent and a souvenir tent.  The food we will help serve will be hot dogs as well as ice cream. Chapter 1117 members participating can meet at 07:00 at the Park and Ride in Loveland. (immediately west of the I-25/Highway 34 exit) We will car pool from there. We will get paid for doing this. Those participating need tickets to get in and those will be given out at the Park and Ride meeting time of 07:00. The projected attendance at this event is 15,000 people.   


Russ D  discussed a potential project for the club next summer, to improve the outdoor pavilion.  Paint work, trim replacement, sign upgrades etc. are being considered.  The airport manager has agreed to share some of the costs.  


Truman S. Secy.

September 2021 Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Sep. 18th, 2021 in the Greeley Conference Center; President Mike Holland presided.


New Business:  After some discussion, Frank Whitely nominated Ron Bland to be our Vice President.  After a second, all members present were in favor.  Ron Bland is our new Vice President.




Tom Boos: our James Ray scholarship winner Brock Ramiriez completed his first solo on Sep. 8th.  Some pictures of Brock on his eventful day were shown. His planned next step is to complete the FAA written exam for private pilot. 


A Chapter 1117 flight lesson scholarship is planned yet for this year. 


Frank Whitely: Young people applying for the Chapter 1117 flight lesson scholarship will need to update their application if they applied last year. The 99s, and the Soaring Society of America, also have available flight scholarships for young people.


The Spring Society of America will have a convention in Reno. on Feb. 24th-26th, 2022.  Over 40 glider world exhibitors will be participating so far. 


Lee D.  The 99s scholarship is a $2500 dollar scholarship.  An applicant must be female, have a student pilot certificate, and have already soloed.  It is designed to help students finish training toward a private pilot certification once they have started training. 


Treasurers report: the club has $9029.91 in its accounts presently. 


Reminder: The club has committed to assist Chapter 515 in staffing two tents during the Blue Angels airshow on Oct. 16th and 17th. at the Ft. Collins/Loveland airport. We will make some money from this event: set this into your schedules. Chapter 515 are our friends and we want to help make their sales effort successful, and of course, earn some money for our chapter's flight scholarship awards. There will be a meeting on the evening of Oct. 13 for those needing to have information for their crews.  More on this later. Coordinate with Lee D.


Truman S.  Message from Darrel D.: Chapter 1117’s Young Eagles event is this coming Saturday, Sep. 25th.  If you are able to help as a pilot or ground support, please let me know if you haven’t already done so.  (an earlier estimate was for approximately 15 youth to show for this event.) Coordinate with Darrel at:


Russ D.   Briefed on the requirements for a FAA Letter of Deviation Authority, (LODA) and how to get one.  At present, if one intends to conduct training in an experimental aircraft, they must have this LODA.  Read about it on line; there is a PDF form that can be filled out to apply for this letter.  (The AOPA is pushing for a reversal of this vague, limiting, and unnecessary requirement, but it is still in process)


Recommended as a club project to update the weathered sign in the pavilion, and possibly do some repainting and repairs to the pavilion itself.  The airport may supply some materials.  Don L. offered paint that he has in his supply.  This will be discussed more as a possible project for next year.


Meeting adjourned at 10:17.          Truman S. Secy.


August 2021 Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Aug. 21st, 2021 in the Greeley airport conference room with Mike Holland presiding.  


Mike H. presented Darrel Dilley with several EAA award certificates.


Two visitors were introduced; Rich Shuff and his wife Donna. 


Word was passed from Jim Brown that we still could use a few more members to work the two tents along side Chapter 515 during the Blue Angels weekend of Oct. 16 and 17.  Those desiring to be a part of this exciting weekend email Lee D.  This is money earning event for our club.


Lee D.  Treasurer.  The club presently has $10,287.82 in our accounts. Memorial Funds have been received by the club for the Ed O’Conner memorial Fund.  Aprox. 600 dollars has been received so far.


Brock Ramirez, the winner of the James Ray Scholarship recently gave a talk to the local Civil Air Patrol cadets about the scholarship.


Lee briefed about a 19 year old woman (Zara) who is planning to fly around the world, in a single engine airplane, overflying 26 countries. (she will be flying a Shark Aero ultralight aircraft with a 100 hp Rotax engine.)  When she succeeds she will be the youngest woman pilot to do so. She began her journey on Aug 18th. Check her progress on


Mike H.  Pres. briefed members of some important aspects of the Young Eagles Program.   Mike presented a motion to have our club meetings start at 09:00 instead of 09:30, and the reason for it.  It was seconded and all members present were in favor.   


Tom B.  Briefed on the progress of a past Chapter 1117 Scholarship winner, Anna Stultz.  She was a member of our local Civil Air Patrol, and is now attending the University of Cal. San Diego.  She is in the Navy ROTC program there. Her goal is to become a Navy pilot.


Frank W.  reported that Jim Z. gave three lectures at Oshkosh.  Also, the Grand Est Mondial hot air Balloon races happened from July 26th until Aug. 4th.    They started in France and they cross Europe.  It is advertised as the greatest International hot air Balloon event in the world.  Check it out on


Tom Tomlin briefed on his planned project of building a Rans S-21 aircraft.  Presently there is a 14 month waiting time for this very popular aircraft kit.


Darrel D., Lee D., and Bill P. attended Oshkosh this year and shared some of their experiences/observations of the event.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15.        Truman S., Secy.

July 2021 Meeting Minutes


A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on July 17th, 2021 in the Greeley airport conference room.  The meeting was presided by President Mike Holland. Guests were: Dan Malpiede, and Alex Karbowski.  Alex is working on repairing/rebuilding a Cessna Cardinal.


Everyone re-introduced themselves to the membership as we have had along period of not communicating with each other in person, and for the benefit of our guests. 


Tom B. Scholarship Coordinator.  The club can begin to work on awarding a Chapter 1117 flight scholarship of $1250.00.  Previous applicants are again being reviewed.  There are thee candidates that have been identified and have agreed to it so far.  The club scholarship committee will meet on this soon.


Lee D.  Treasurer.  Presently there is $11389.26 in the clubs account; this includes $4,000.00 recently sent to us for our James Ray scholarship winner, which will be paid out soon.


Club dues are up to date with 27 paying members.  


Frank Whiteley, gave a brief summary of national glider events and happenings.  He will send an email letter to the membership about the same.  


New business,  Jim B. introduced us to the offer to participate with Chapter 515 (FNL) by sharing duties in running a food tent, and information/merchandising tent, at the Blue Angels airshow of Oct. 16th and 17th.  (other military airplanes will also be flying) Jim B. will coordinate with 515 further on this and more info will be forthcoming. If this happens the club will be paid a portion of the profits.  Anyone working in either of the two tents will get into the show free. The food tent will require a total of 12 people each day and the merchandising tent will require a total of 7 each day. (half of the manning would be by Chapter 515 and half would be supplied by us)  The general admission tickets to this event is $55.00 each person per day.  Look  for a signup via email, to indicate interest.  If we have enough members sign up we will want to do our best effort in supporting our friends of Chapter 515. 


Chapter 1117 flew 35 Young Eagles in June.


Mike H.  reported that he had a doe and fawn on the runway on our June YE event day, and waited for them to move off prior to takeoff.  It can happen.


Russ D. brought the Adirondack chair that he made, which will be taken to Oshkosh By Jim Z. to be displayed long term there in the Blue Barn.  He explained his efforts in creating this beautiful chair, and the Chapter logo engraved in the back, and an attached small plaque to the memory of the club's great friend Ed O’Connor.


Ryan S.  Cheyenne is having an airshow on Sep. 11th and 12h.  Airplanes can be flown in for exhibit for this event.


Meeting adjourned at 10:25.      Truman S. Secy.



June 2021 Meeting Minutes

No meeting due to the YE event


May 2021 Meeting Minutes


A meeting of EAA Chapter  1117 was held on May 15th, 2021,  The minutes are as follows:  The meeting was presided by Mike Holland.  Mike asked if there were any desired changes or deletions to the minutes of the last meeting, as published online to the membership via email on April 20th.  There were none; Don L. made a motion to accept them; it was seconded and the minutes are recorded.


Lee Devlin, Treasurer reports that the club has $7414.14 in its accounts.  Everything is in place for the club’s James Ray scholar Brock Ramirez to start receiving funds from the James Ray scholarship once the EAA National Committee completes its final OK. 


Tom Boos,  Scholarships: The Chapter, as well as the scholar, must be accepted by the EAA National Committee in order to be awarded the Jame Ray Scholarship. Brock is in the process of completing all necessary application requirements.  Brock announced his plan to utilize Greeley’s Blue Sky Flyers for his future training.


Tom reviewed the latest on all of the club’s past flight training scholarship winners, where they are, and what they are presently training on.


Mike H.  President:  Our next Young Eagles Day/Airport Day will be on Sat. June 12th.  Aprox. 30 potential Young Eagles are expected.  Plans are for a time schedule for families to attend so that they will not have to wait long for their briefs/rides.  The all pilot’s brief will be at 08:00 in the pavilion and 08:30 for meeting with the youth. This is the day of our potluck get together.  It will follow the flying which will wind down around 11:30.  The pot luck meal is planned for the pavilion also, and will start at 2 PM.  Volunteer food assignments can be made on: .


Note:  The club will have no regular meeting in June, because we are having the event on the 12th instead.


Frank Whiteley, reported on glider events and happenings, including more recent glider altitude records.  For more information on the glider world one can go to the Soaring Society of America website:  One can access a glider's location devise information for a specific SSA member and/or sailplane by clicking on  a red 911 icon.


Meeting adjourned at 10:55.   Truman S. Secy.


April 2021 Meeting Minutes

A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on March 20th, 2021 at 09:30.  Ed O’Conner presided.  (Note: this meeting was a Zoom meeting combined with the in person one)  Ed introduced a guest, Peter Jones, who is building a Pietenpol aircraft.  Ed requested that the minutes of our last recorded meeting in September, 2020, be sent out to the membership, and that we will correct/accept those minutes, as they are written, in our April meeting.

Lee D. gave a treasurers report of $7414.03 in the club’s accounts. 

Old Business:  Mike Holland was officially be installed as the Club President and he made a statement of acceptance.
The club’s membership is anxious t conduct a Young Eagles day, but a date has not yet been set.
EAA Calendars are still for sale. Those who are interested, see Lee D.
New Business:  A learn to Fly Day is in our plans, and it was decided to be held in September rather than May to give more people a chance to get immunized against Covid, and more time to plan for it, as we have had no regular meetings for awhile.  JBS and Peak will probably supply some of the fuel costs again.  
A potluck & BBQ is planned, and June is a tentative month with the date not yet set.  It could be combined with a Young Eagles day.  The Chapter can do the cooking for hot items. 
EAA Chapter Leadership webinars are available from EAA National for anyone seeking more info.  The future of all EAA Associated clubs will depend on people willing to step forward as club officers and club organizers, and these webinars can add to ones knowledge about how to be effective when doing so. 
Of the club members, one is planing to attend Fun & Sun in Florida, and 6 plan to attend the Oshkosh event.
Tom Boos gave an update on scholarships.  And as our club was selected to handle a James Ray $10,000 scholarship, the club’s requirements for ding so were reviewed.  These will be included in a chart soon.

There was wide acceptance by the Club members, including the Club’s Treasurer, of awarding another Chapter 1117 flight scholarship again this year.  This is now in the Clubs plans.

Frank Whitley reported:  (his words)  There is an article in March's Sport Aviation titled 'Gliding for Gold' about the US Women's Soaring Team and Sarah Arnold becoming Women's World Champion.  Although I know all three and have watched and encouraged their soaring activities, they really do represent women in aviation.  Sarah trained for her commercial glider rating in Boulder and now owns and operates Chilhowee Soaring Association in Tennessee, and is a CFI-G and DPE.  Kathy Fosha gave up horseback riding for soaring and trained with us at Colorado Soaring Association.  She is getting her engineering degree, and was an intern at Lockheed Martin. One summer she was on a team that developed the heat shield repair paste following the Columbia disaster, and she now works for Northrop-Grumman.  Silvia Grandstaff is married to a glider pilot, was a combat helicopter pilot in the middle east, and is now an Army helicopter test pilot.  Both Kathy and Silvia were recipients of SSA flight scholarships along the way.
I recently spoke with John Barry, CEO of Wings Over the Rockies Museum, about the fact that WOTR received a grant from the Ray Foundation and awarded 53 flight training scholarships, 10 of which were for glider training.  The Soaring Society of America intends to seek a similar grant.  I think part of the WOTR grant may have been in conjunction with their involvement with the Colorado Skies Academy, the aviation STEM middle school at Centennial Airport next to the WOTR facility there.
Peter Jhones mentioned how his son and daughter had both soloed in gliders at Owl Canyon; a challenge he made to them was to solo before they could drive.  He said that had a positive impact on their lives.
Meeting adjourned at 10:44.                Truman Sager, Secy.

June 2020 Meeting

Notes and Updates from the June monthly EAA 1117 Chapter Meeting, 2020

Overview:  The June monthly EAA Chapter 1117 meeting was held June 20, 2020 (the third Saturday of the month), and began at 9:30 am with approximately 15 members and guests in attendance.  This was the first "in person" meeting since March's "virtual meeting," (which was one of the first of its type, presented by on-line video due to state-wide corona virus restrictions on "group gatherings.")   The June meeting was held outdoors in the pavilion next to the Greeley airport terminal, where future meetings will be held this summer.


Purpose:  The purpose of the meeting was to check status on various 1117 activities and to map out our planning for upcoming month.  (A few action items presented at the June 20 meeting have had updates within the past few days in July, and are so annotated as appropriate.)   

Call to Order:  Jim Z called the meeting to Order with a welcome to new visitors, including Mark G (from the Denver area); and Linda H (who was technical consultant in March's "virtual meeting").

Chapter EAA 1117 Award Presentations:  Two EAA Chapter 1117 Awards were presented, (with a Third Presentation to be made next month).    


  1.  The first Award was to Jim and Trish B, for their dedicated work in coordinating and managing our Young Eagles Flights throughout the past year.  Along with EAA 1117 members, as well as pilot and ground volunteers from neighboring towns, the 1117 has enjoyed an increasingly robust Young Eagles 1117 program.


          Upon receiving his Award, Jim B announced his current efforts to organize the next Young Eagles Event, (see "New Business" below for July updates).

          2.  The second Award was to John H for his work in volunteering as a "back-up" Secretary for our Chapter.  

          3.  A third Award, for "Dedicated Service as LTF Day 2019 Event Coordinator," will be awarded to another of our members at our next Chapter meeting.


Treasurer's report:  

          Lee D announced the current balance which was originally in excess of $8,163.62, but will be reduced by $1,250 for a EAA 1117 scholarship (as will be described below); and this was the only expenditure in the past few months since our last meeting.  

          In addition, Lee has recently filed our annual Federal tax form 990e to maintain our tax exempt status, as well as our Colorado periodic report as is required to maintain our corporate status.  

          It is solely through Lee's diligence and expertise that these mandatory federal and state requirements are met annually, allowing Chapter 1117 to proceed year to year "in Good Standing" as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, registered in Colorado. 

Old Business:

          1.  Update on Peru Chapter 1572:  As part of our outreach efforts, the 1117th formed a dialog with Chapter 1572 in early 2019, and then  met with John C of that Chapter at AirVenture 2019 with a view toward visiting Chapter 1572 in Lima, Peru this Spring for a possible week of volunteer work on the last remaining NA-50 fighter aircraft in existence.  Plans for this trip were abruptly halted by covid concerns and have remained in a holding pattern so far this year.  The history of that aircraft is as follows:

         The North American Model 50 "Torito," (Spanish for "Little Bull"), is a low wing, radial engine aircraft which was specifically designed and built by North American Aviation in 1939 for the Peruvian Air Force.  Only seven aircraft of this type were ever built, and all were assigned to a single squadron in the Peruvian Air Force.  Of these, only one aircraft remains.

         The Peruvian NA-50's first saw combat in a border war between Peru and Ecuador in 1941.  It is during this war that Lieutenant Jose' Abelardo Quinones Gonzales was hit by ground fire and is said to have sacrificed himself by piloting his NA-50 into Ecuadorian anti-aircraft defenses.  In addition to his posthumous promotion to Captain, he was declared a national hero in 1966, the International Airport at his birth town of Chiclayo was named after him, Peru began printing the S/.10 banknote with his likeness in 1991; and to this day savvy pilots will sometimes refer to the skies over Peru as "the Skies of Quinones Gonzales."

          In a joint effort with the Peruvian Air Force, and with the support of many organizations, Chapter 1572 helped recover this last remaining NA-50 from a pedestal at Las Palmas AFB where it had remained in static display for 50 years.  They moved it to a hanger, and began restoring it with the goal of reaching airworthiness for the Bicentennial celebrations of Peru's Independence from Spain in 2021.

          With the onset of "covid" this year, I have been entirely unable to reach Chapter 1572.  Until just recently, there was a lull in seeing any postings or getting any news from the Chapter whatsoever.  Hopefully we will be able to reestablish our connection with Chapter 1572; and if so, I will let you know.

          2.  Update on AirMail 100 Centennial Flights Project:  In 1918 the United States Postal Service established its first regularly scheduled US Air Mail Service.  Beginning that year, (and even with all the unrest at the time, with WW I raging in Europe and the Influenza Pandemic ravaging the US), the Postal Service made scheduled Air Mail delivery between Washington D.C and New York, available to the public.  Within two short years, this 218 mile route was expanded to 2600+ miles, with US Air Mail Service available from Coast to Coast.

          Last year, in answer to an inquiry by Centennial Flight founder Bill Moore, the 1117th entered into a dialog with Mr. Moore and began following along with his planning.  At this point, his Commemorative Transcontinental Airmail Delivery Flight, has now grown to 36 pilots (many of whom are EAA members), who have volunteered to fly one of the 15 segments of the route.  The event is scheduled to "take off" September 11, 2020 from Long Island, NY, and arrive in San Francisco, September 13.  Commemorative mail bags will be transferred from airplane to airplane, and Bill has submitted a special "franking stamp" to Postal Officials in San Francisco for approval, as can be seen below.        

          As for 1117th involvement in the event, the closest stop along the route to Greeley, will be the segment from North Platte to Cheyenne, and then on to Rock Springs.   However, nothing keeps up from showing our support by continuing to show interest, and perhaps visit the mail bag handoff when in Cheyenne this Fall; and maybe volunteering as a welcome team.  

         In this regard I will continue to keep EAA 1117 members informed by updates to this, and all of our outreach programs.                                   




New Business:    

By far, the highlights of the June Chapter Meeting were:  The "first look" at Russell D's beautifully constructed Adirondack Chair; Lee's presentation of his new aircraft seat upholstery work; Jim B's overview of Young Eagles Flights and discussion of the way ahead in organizing the next flights; Darrel's update of IMC/VMC status; Lee's report on EAA 1117 Scholarship Committee activities; and John H's mention of his personal career strides in education and aviation. 

          1.  Russ's Adirondack Chair.  

          Proudly displayed at our Chapter Meeting was the Adirondack chair Russell D has been constructing out of cedar, using plans recommended by the EAA.  The tradition is that EAA Chapters across the country, (in fact, across the globe), are invited to build and to modify or embellish these chairs as they wish as individual or group projects for a program established by the EAA.  EAA members then bring their chairs to the "Blue Barn" at AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI in July, as seating in the Chapter's Blue Barn gathering place for EAA members from all over the world.  

          Although EAA 1117 currently has a tiny flag with "1117" emblazoned on it, fitted to a map pin on a wall-sized map on the Blue Barn wall, Russ's Adirondack chair will give us a larger footprint and provide our members a distinctive AirVenture destination.  Once placed in the Blue Barn, EAA 1117 Chapter members will have their very own place to sit in the Blue Barn, to relax and to have their picture taken - all thanks to Russ' efforts.

           Except for the possible inclusion of 1117 artwork/logo I am working on to add to the chair, Russ's masterwork is in completion stage.  

           2.  Lee presented his own handiwork at the meeting - showing wonderful craftsmanship in making aircraft seats, and a flawless job of upholstering them in a charcoal/light gray vinyl.  The result is a very practical, light weight and comfortable seating, ready for installation into the aircraft.  Remarkable about this project was that it was Lee's first effort upholstery effort.  He literally took an upholstery class at Aims and as his project, learned how to cut the patterns, make the inner cushions, sew the outer covers together, then fit the materials together as completed seating, ready to install.


          From his first time use of fabric shears, to his mastery of the industrial sewing machine, Lee's description of "How I built this," was as astonishing as the finished product itself.  (Some said he made it look "EZ").

          3.  Young Eagles and IFR/VRF Planning 2020.  

          Upon receiving his Young Eagles Award for 2019, Jim B. spoke to the need for the 1117th to re-engage in the Young Eagles program.  In the discussion that followed, Darrel D expressed in interest in helping with the planning (and also spoke briefly to his awareness that with some of his covid "stay at home projects" completed, he may be able to take time for IFR/VFR program which he spearheaded last year).  Last year, with the help of our volunteer pilots and ground crew, we had the most successful year ever.

          As a follow-up on his progress since the June 20 Chapter Meeting, Jim B has coordinated with Barb M, (a teacher from Ft. Lupton with whom he and Marsha B worked in the 2019 Young Eagles Program), for upcoming flight dates.  

          At present, Jim is looking toward Monday, July 13 as the next Young Eagles Flight Day.  So far, he lists Darrel D and Ron R to be flying, and he hopes for confirmation from other of our pilots soon.  Any of our pilots who are both FAA currency and are current with EAA's Youth Protection Program, are eligible to fly for this program.

          4.  Scholarship Committee Award of $1,250 to Allison S.

          Lee briefed on the continued progress made by the Scholarship Committee to promote the 1117 Scholarship Program as well as the James Ray Foundation Scholarship opportunities for young aviators in our community.  Behind the scenes, the 1117th Committee has been working together all Spring to identify eligible candidates, to review their applications and to make decisions for the Scholarship Awards.  

          With regard to the James Ray Scholarship, the 1117th remains eligible to award up to $10,000 to a worthy candidate by the end of 2020.  In addition, Tom B has taken on the responsibilities of Scholarship Coordinator to manage the progress of candidates and to monitor their flight expenditures in accordance with James Ray Scholarship mandates.     

          With regard to the 1117th $1,250.00 Scholarship, a selection had been made and the winner was soon to receive the funds.   

          The process in making the 1117th $1,250.00 award, is as follows:  The Committee, (comprised of Lee D, Truman A, Tom B, and Frank W) received applications this Spring with each Committee member making an independent analysis of what had become six finalists.  Each Committee member's review of each candidate involved standard criteria, like classroom grades, as well as a matrix to establish point scores in various other pre-established categories.  The Committee then met to discuss their findings.  

          The result of the selection process was that Allison S won the 1117th $1,250.00 Chapter Scholarship Award.

          (As a follow-up to the June 20 Chapter Meeting, EAA 1117, Tom B prepared a framed Certificate of Award, and arranged for a formal presentation to Allison on Thursday, July 2 at 11:00 at the pavilion adjacent to the Greeley Airport terminal building.  In attendance were EAA members and friends as well as the Recipient's mother, Jamie, and various Scholarship Committee Members.    

          Tom called the Ceremony to Order at 11:00, and addressed those gathered.  He first reviewed the application process, then read through the list of prior scholarship recipients, with their credentials.  He then detailed the factors which resulted in Allison's selection.  I was honored to be present to say a few words and assist in presenting the Award, and very pleased to learn of Alison's future plans for education and aviation, including ROTC membership as she attends college this fall, with an eye toward joining the Air Force, or perhaps Space Force.)

            5.  Good news from John H. from the AOPA and James Ray Foundation

            As an update to his own career progress, John H calmly and humbly took the floor for moment at the June Chapter Meeting to provide the following remarkable news.

            John announced that has graduated from High School this Spring, with honors, and with his Advanced Placement Courses topping his grade point average to 4.5+.   In meeting his long-term education and aviation goals, he has been admitted the Colorado School of Mines, where he will begin as a Freshman this Fall.  In addition to working full time at his family farm in the local community (and while sometimes managing and performing the daily duties himself), he is continuing to take flying lessons this Summer.

           John further announced the best news of all:  He has just received an Award of a $10,000.00 from the James Ray Foundation for an Aviation Scholarship through the AOPA.  This award placed him above hundreds and perhaps thousands of applicants nationwide.  


Close of Meeting and Next Scheduled Monthly Meeting:

           Needless to say, we are all very proud to see the kinds of success stories shown above, arising out of the lull created by the covid virus.

So, by the time the June the Chapter Meeting came to a close, at about 11:00 am, all in attendance were left in a very upbeat mood, having seen how despite the challenges of the "covid" our members are achieving exemplary goals within the aviation community, with all of this to remind us to keep the faith, keep working on your projects, and remember that Action=Success !

           The next meeting will be July 18, 2020, beginning at 9:30.  The pavilion has been a good place to meet, and there is an electric plug to make coffee.  I will bring the coffee.  Hope to see you there.                           



Jim Zarlengo

Pres.  EAA Chapter 1117



March 2020 Meeting

This month's meeting is virtual via YouTube. Thanks Jim for putting this together for the membership!

February 2020

The minutes of EAA Chapter 1117 meeting of February 15, 2020 are as follows:  

Jim Zarlengo called the meeding to order.  First a portion of the February Chapter Video Magazine video was presented where Charlie Becker discussed Learn to Fly Day, EAA's Flying Start program, chapter webinars, new chapter website platform and EAA's chapter recognition program.  You can find this video on the EAA website.

Since we had no secretary available to take minutes, and our backup secretary was also out with the flu, Lee Devlin volunteered to take minutes.  Lee first read the meeting minutes from November's meeting which were approved without changes.

After that, we all introduced ourselves to the 2 guests in attendance.  Our first guest was Scott Flugum, an EAA Chapter 515 member who later gave a presentation on Chapter camping at Airventure, and our second guest was Cindy Burton who is a friend of Don Lonhart's.

Ed Binkley gave a presentation on the new remote tower that is getting ready to provide control tower services at KFNL in March.  He offered two potential dates when our chapter could tour the facility.  The members in attendance had a preference for Saturday, February 22nd at 10:30 a.m. with the possibility of having lunch afterwards at Nordy's BBQ.  Jim Z. will follow up with an email to share further logistical details.

Scott Flugum then gave a presentation about an EAA program that allows chapters to reserve up to 6 camping contiguous camping areas in Camp Scholler for Airventure.  This program has proven to be quite popular and allows chapter members to camp together and secure camping locations that are closer to the airfield by registering for them early.  It's been going on for 5 years and continues to gain in popularity.  The cost per site has been $243 for the week and details about this year's cost per site should be available soon.  Scott also talked about the Chapter Pancake breakfast opportunity that is a fund raiser for chapters who can get 12 volunteers to spend one morning during Oshkosh to help prepare pancake breakfasts at the Chapter Pavilion in Camp Scholler.  Even if we're unable to find enough volunteers to participate in this activity, it's still a good place to gather for breakfast to help other chapters raise funds.

Jim then talked about the Chapter Awards and the fact that we are in the Bronze Award category for 2019, which will help raise our status in seeking the Ray scholarship funds.  Our score put us in the 86% percentile.  Jim then handed awards for many of our chapter members for a variety of volunteer efforts.  The recipients included Truman Sager, John Hoecker, Tom Boos, Ed O'Connor, Russ Dent, Ron Bland, Darryl Dilley, Jim and Trish Brown and Lee Devlin.

Lee reported the balance of our checking and PayPal account to be $7877.48 with expenses since the last report of November of $521.35 for insurance and annual dues to EAA corporate and an expense of $241.30 for the Cattleman's Restaurant where the chapter picked up a round of drinks for those in attendance.

Darrel Dilley announced that the IMC/VMC club meeting was cancelled for February, but will resume on March 12th.  It meets the second Thursday of the month from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. in the Greeley Airport Conference room.

Jim talked more about the NA50 rebuild project underway by EAA chapter 1572 in Peru and expressed a desire to spend a week there to volunteer at their hangar.  He also talked about EAA's new Flying Start program which is a little like the Young Eagles program but targeted at adults who wish to learn how to fly. EAA provides resources such as promotional materials like banners, slide presentations and other resources for chapters who wish to host a Flying Start event.  More information about Flying Start can be found here.

Jim Z. brought up the topic of building an Adirondack Chair for the Blue Barn at Oshkosh.  Russ offered to build one of these chairs if another member would volunteer to deliver it to Airventure.  More information about this effort can be found here.

We also discussed Learn To Fly Day for 2020 and EAA is now promoting May 16th and encouraging chapters to schedule a Flying Start program on that date.  We've had difficulties with weather in May several years in a row and moved LTF Day to June last year only to find other weather related difficulties due to high density altitude and pilot fatigue in the hot weather.  Aims has expressed interest in providing the planes and pilots for this event and they still have access to the their Greeley hangars as a potential center of operations.  We will need our LTF team to coordinate with the Aims flight school to choose a date that works for everyone.

Tom shared his plans to get the scholarship applications out this week to potential applicants and to high school principals and counselors.  We are targeting an April 4th deadline for applications.

We also talked about ordering name tags for all chapter members, but decided to shelve it until next meeting.  The cost for the economy name tags are $35 for a package of enough materials for 50 tags including magnetic clasps.  Tags will be printed with the EAA logo and chapter number and location.  Individual details are printed on transparent Avery adhesive labels. Details about these tags can be found here.

These are not to be confused with the premium engraved tags that are offered by Chapter 1095 which are available for $9.25 each and also orderable through a link on the same web page.

The meeting was adjourned by Jim Z. at 11:00 a.m.

-Lee Devlin acting Secretary

November 2019

The minutes of EAA Chapter 1117 meeting of Nov. 16, presided by Jim Z. are as follows:

Jim Z. gave a brief on today’s American missile technology, including hypersonic missiles, rail guns, defensive maneuvering by missiles, and what China and Russia are coming up with in this arena.

A guest , Marvin Bay, briefed on a new local project, (having moved the project from California) a full size, near replica of the Spirit of St. Louis aircraft that has just moved into the spaces of the Aims flight school. The members were invited, by Marvin, to drop by and see the project with its completed wing and nearly complete fuselage with engine and landing gear. There is a plan to fly this aircraft on a future flight to closely duplicate the Charles Lindberg flight from NY to Paris. Opportunities exist for interested individuals, with building skill, to help in its completion. A contact for this project is Robert at 405-205-7041, or Marvin at 970-381-8300.

The year end get together/dinner is tentatively scheduled for 18 January, 2020 at the Cattlemen’s Restaurant. No regular meeting will be held in January. Further info. via email will follow soon.

Jim B. reports of a successful Young Eagles Day the club had on Oct. 20th. Three Chapter 1117 Young Eagles days were conducted in 2019.

Also the recent VMC/IMC meeting, organized by Darrel D. was well attended and successful.

Jim Z. and Tom B. encouraged all members to continue to seek promising young people in the community (Greeley and close surrounding towns) to apply for the annual club flight scholarship, as well as the James Ray scholarship.

With the club treasurer Lee D. concurring, the club membership approved awarding another Chapter 1117 flight scholarship for 2020.  The club membership also approved a 2020 EAA Chapter 1117 flight scholarship award increase of $250.00, which will now make the total scholarship at $1250.00.

Tom B. reviewed the previous club scholarship winners and what they are doing presently. He also briefed on what procedures are taken to distribute/advertise the scholarships. The primary emphasis is on the high schools for students of age 15 and up. Efforts to this effect will be in the spring.

Frank W. briefed on various flight academy programs/aero labs in Colorado, and reported that one can solo in gliders at the age of 14.

A treasurers report was read by Lee D. with a stated amount in the club treasury of $8544.46.
The secretary read the minutes of the Oct. 20th meeting. The minutes were accepted by the membership with no changes.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15.

October 2019

A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Oct. 19th, 2019. The meeting was presided by Ed. O.

The minutes of the meeting are as follows:

The minutes of the meeting of Sep. 21st were read by the Secretary, and were accepted by the membership. A treasurers report was given by Lee D. with a stated amount in the club treasury of $8544.40.

Ed O. reviewed the opportunities for club leadership training by EAA National. EAA's chapter leadership Training sessions are designed to help you become a better chapter leader and learn more about EAA. If anyone is interested in being in chapter leadership in the future, or would like to know more about EAA, Contact EAA online, or talk with Jim Z. (Truman’s comment: They offer a 2 day Leadership Academy, and one 8 hour day Leadership Boot Camp. Various chapter Leadership Webinars are also available)

Darrel D. announced the next VMC/IMC meeting will be Nov. 14th, with the VMC at 6 PM, and IMC at 7PM.

The makeup for the club’s Young Eagles Day (originally scheduled on Oct. 5th, which was cancelled due to winds) will be today immediately after the meeting.

The Chapter’s flight scholarship applications are out for distribution.

New Business: The club’s holiday dinner will be held in early January, and final plans will be made in the November meeting.

Frank W. briefed the club on the latest in the glider world, and reviewed the attempts on the glider altitude record, and future plans for that. Key words for lookup are: Perlan Project. The Airbus Perlan Mission 2 will design and construct a pressurized glider to soar to the edge of space at 90.000 feet. Phase 3 is in the plan to soar even higher.

Darrel D. briefed on his recent trip to the Cub Crafter Company, and his flight in a Super Super Cub SX-3.

The meeting was adjourned at 09:55. Truman, Secy.

September 2019

EAA Chapter 1117

Meeting Notes

A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on September 21, 2019 at 9:15AM.

The meeting was presided by President Jim Zarlengo. Guests included John and Rebecca Hissem.

Minutes are as follows:

Old Business

Frank Whiteley reported on the Perlan project, a project in which funds are raised to build a custom glider to set new altitude records. The current goal is 100,000 feet msl. To achieve these great altitudes, the Perlan team rides the Patagonia wave above the Andes mountains.

Meeting minutes from the last meeting were read and approved without changes.

Treasurer report by Lee. Current balance this month is $8,519.34

John Hoecher, the 2019 EAA 1117 scholarship recipient, gave an update to the group about his current flight training standing.

Discussion was held about the Rays scholarship and the ten scholarship recognition program categories and improvement in each.

New Business

Ron indicated via email that Cooper Anderson (the head of the airport board) has heard from Aims about LTF day 2020.

Aims is interested in sponsoring next year.

Also, Jim from the car club wants LTF information for 2020.

Further discussion with Aims should prove to help make next year’s LTF day more organized.
The public’s expectations need to be addressed.

About 30 people can be flown per hour.

Wait times need to be quoted to people more often.

No bathrooms in secured area etc.

A Young Eagles Day is planned for October 5th with 2-4 planes planned.

The VMC/IMC club will meet on October 10th.

Jim Z. wants to confirm that everyone has his correct phone number. His current phone number is 303-910-2568.

The Barnstormer restaurant has officially reopened.

Discussion was held about starting meetings at 9:30am rather than at 9:00 a.m.. A motion was made, with a second, and passed with majority vote. Meetings will now be on every third Saturday (as always) except meetings will now start at 9:30 a.m..

The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 a.m.

-John C. Hoecher, Stand in Secretary

August 2019

These are minutes of our Chapter 1117 meeting of 17 Aug. 2019: 17 people were in attendance. The minutes were read by the secretary for our last meeting of June 21st. They were accepted by the membership with no changes.

Lee gave a Treasurers report, and reported a total balance of club funds to be $8519.27. Money was made for the club on water sales at the Airport Day/Learn to Fly Day of June 29th.

Jim Z. gave a synopsis of his two presentations at Airventure Oshkosh this year; one was on submarine technology, and the other was on rockets/rocket weaponry. He also discussed his meeting with the EAA people from Peru on the North American NA-50 fighters, that Peru purchased in 1939. They are restoring one of these aircraft.

Ed O. briefed for his experience of a busy arrival in his RV-8 at Oshkosh, after 5 inches of rain fell the two days prior. This made the grass too wet to taxi on in in many places.

Jim Z. reviewed some of the problems, and positives of the June 29th Airport Day/Learn to Fly Day. Approximately 200 tickets for intro flights were sold and 140 were flown. There were some limitations with respect to aircraft availability, which hindered operations; it was hot day and hot starting some of the aircraft engines hindered the flying effort to some degree. Also, some of the airplanes were full of fuel which limited lift capability at the start of the day.

Darrel D. reports that the first IMC/VMC club/pilot session will be on 12 Sep. in the Greeley Conference room at 5:30 PM. EAA National recommends the format with problem solving situations. The session is being promoted by EAA National and should prove to be thought provoking, educational and fun. This session will be reported to EAA National as part of our club outreach and professional learning.

An aerospace technology discussion was held with several members contributing to it. Efforts by Flight Aware are ongoing to limit the personal information that anyone can now get off of their program.

The Chapter plans a limited Young Eagles Day at Greeley for Oct. 5th. It is hoped we will have 5 aircraft and pilots for this activity.

Frank W. briefed on the exciting Jr. World Glider Championships, which just got over with, as well as the ten glider scholarships and ten free intro flights recently awarded.

Truman S., Secy.

June 2019 Minutes

Posted on June 22, 2019 at 7:45 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on June 15th, 2019 at 9:12AM.

The meeting was presided by President Jim Zarlengo. Guests included Peter Jones and Brock Ramirez.

Minutes are as follows:

Old Business

Meeting minutes from the last meeting were read and approved with one change

The balance from the treasurers report was corrected to $7,737.33

Treasurer report

Current balance this month is $7,761.37

John Hoecher was recognized as the 2019 scholarship recipient

EAA Learn to Fly (LTF) / Airport day

There will not be a member hosted BBQ this year

Motion approved to appropriate funds to provide food to volunteering pilots via reimbursement

Mark Hinze was presented a Certificate of Achievement for starting EAA Chapter 1117

The group:

Reviewed the ten EAA Chapter Recognition Program Categories

Reviewed the May 4th, 2019 Young Eagles learn to fly day

28 Middle school students flown

Positive press coverage from Fort Lupton

Discussed EAA consignment sales (t-shirts and hats) for the upcoming LTF day

Not enough lead time to pursue this item

New Business

LTF day planning

Letter from Cooper Anderson regarding

Parking, direction signs (CAP to direct traffic)

Discussion with Cooper regarding sign and CAP placement

Jim Z. will bring signs to pre-meeting prior to LTF day

June 28th pre-planning meeting at 9:00AM for setup (at Terminal)

Barrier count needed

Jim Z to provide caution tape

Discussion if additional tape may needed

Greeley PD, Fire Trucks, and EMS will be present

Static display discussion

No C-130 (OK for runway, but too heavy for ramp)

B-18 attendance TBD

One food truck confirmed to attend

LTF day requirements


Info booth/staffing

CAP to set-up and guide traffic

Aims hangar used for info/ticket booth

Waiver table and staffing

Waiting area and ticket verification (with departure and wait times)

Flight line entrance and staff (CAP)

Flight line departure area (tickets torn / people directed)

Port-o-pottie and water (TBD)

Waivers, Lee will print, provided at Aims hangar

Motion approved to cancel July meeting (Same date as Oshkosh) 

Discussed C-130 open house in Cheyenne later in year

END. Meeting adjourned at 10:34AM.

John C. Hoecher (Stand in Secretery)

May 2019 Minutes

Posted on June 15, 2019 at 11:10 AM   
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on May 18th, 2019 and the minutes are as follows:

The meeting was presided by President Jim Zarlengo. Guests were Cooper Anderson, Brock Ramirez, and Betty Hinze. Airport Director Cooper Anderson briefed the club on the layout of parking airplanes, and associated considerations, for the June 29th Airport Day/Learn to Fly Day. Final details are being worked out to have a military C-130 aircraft from Cheyenne present. Several static display aircraft, including a Beech model 18, will be present on the main ramp, with businesses representatives on the east side of the ramp. National Guard personnel will be present as security. A couple of food trucks will be available for purchasing food. The club will have one more regular meeting on June 15th for final coordinating. The Airport Day is considered to be an add on to the Learn to Fly Day.

Lee gave a treasurer’s report: there is a total in both of our accounts of $7737.33

Old business: Truman S. read the minutes of the last meeting of April 20th. The minutes were accepted by the membership without changes.

EAA Chapter 515 of FNL desires pilots and airplanes to assist them in a Young Eagles Day on June 8th. Those interest can contact Bill Snodgrass, President. at They assisted us in flying Young Eagles on May 4th.

New business: On behalf of the club, Jim Z. presented a certificate of appreciation to Mark Hinze for his early efforts in organizing, and applying for, the EAA Chapter 1117 charter. The chapter was then organized on Aug. 24th, of 1995. Mark gave a brief history of the club since then.
Tom Boos briefed on our scholarship program progress. There are four excellent club scholarship applicants. The winner will be announced on the June 29th Airport Day/Learn to Fly Day.

The scholarship committee will meet directly after the regular meeting. The VMC/IMC club meeting will be scheduled later in the summer. An Airventure poster was passed around for everyone’s review. Everyone is encouraged read the emailed Chapter Grams, esp. as there is feedback to EAA national that they are, in fact, being read. Jim Z. mentioned that he will be giving two lectures at the museum during Airventure, Oshkosh. His subjects will be: Hypersonic missiles and Submarines. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Truman S. Secy.

April 2019 Minutes
Posted on April 22, 2019 at 11:20 PM  
The minutes of the EAA Chapter 1117 meeting of April 20th is as follows:

The meeting was presided by President Jim Z. who passed out written agenda items in outline form.

The minutes of the last meeting of March 16th were read by Truman S. The minutes were accepted by the membership with no changes, thus they are now official record.

Jim Z. reported that Anderson Cooper is the new Airport Director. He is a friend of the club’s, and can be counted on for great communication, and to help the club wherever needed.

A new colored flyer for the upcoming Airport day on June 29th was passed around for everyones review.

Our Young Eagles Day is planned for May 4th, 2019, with an alternate weather date of May 18th. The May 4th morning briefing for all pilots will be at 08:00, with preflight briefings starting at 08:30. Jim G., Darrel D., and Jim Brown are coordinating on this.

Lee D. gave a treasurers report. This information is available to any cub member by contacting Lee.

Old business: Jim Z. reported on the clubs tax exemption status for buying products/food for future events. If the club is buying for our own use, such as furniture or office supplies etc. then we can take a tax exemption on the purchase of the items. The club’s original charter is on file with the Secretary of State’s office.

The State Dept. of Revenue also has our filing on record, and the club can charge for items sold, and the club can profit from those sales, during our activities with the public. 

Mark H. reports that the original EAA club was Chapter 720, but they did not desire to renew with the EAA, and that is when the club filed as a new Chapter 1117. Mark filed our original charter.

New business: Jim Z. discussed how EAA National rates (scores) clubs applying for the James Ray scholarship, and the ten ways the club can improve our standing in order to have the opportunity to offer this generous scholarship.

Jim Z. briefed on the seven fighter airplanes that the Peruvian Air Force purchased in 1939. They were built by North American Aviation and were designated the NA-50, The aircraft was named Torito, Spanish for little bull, and one still exists. The aircraft was powered by a 840 hp R-1830 radial engine which gave the fighter a top speed of 295 mph at 9500 feet. People with an attachment to this existing NA-50 will be at Oshkosh Air-Venture this year, and they will be willing and able to share information on it. (Wikipedia has a good description of the Torito fighters and and their history)

The meeting adjourned at 10:15.

Of note: Immediately after our meeting, Darrel D. presented a FAAST/Wings program discussion on Loss of Control. Many pilots from the surrounding area attended this excellently presented event.

Truman S., Secy.

March 2019 Minutes
Posted on March 19, 2019 at 12:55 AM  
The minutes of the EAA Chapter 1117 meeting on March, 16th, presided by Jim Zarlengo, is as follows:

Three guests were introduced: Betty Hinze, and Goodtimes Car Club representatives: Jim Miller and Glenn Miller.

Jim Z. gave info. on a WW II Army/Navy aircraft identification guide booklet from that era. He brought copies of many of the pages. This excellently detailed booklet can be ordered online. It is a recognition pictorial manual.

Ron B. briefed the club on current events around the airfield with respect to new construction and future plans. He noted that airport Manager Gary Cyr is retiring soon and is having a retirement party on April 18th in the airport conference room. Check for the time schedule if you want to drop by. Gary has been a great friend of the club. The Aims Flight School has confirmed that they will work with us on the Learn to Fly Day/Airport Day on June 29th. This will also be a celebration of the airport’s 75th year. Plans are for as many static displays as possible, with food trucks. The local Goodtimes car club will be in attendance with some excellent cars (and people) Aims has announce that they will supply up to 6 airplanes and instructors for orientation flights, and they will advertising for this event.

Jim G. will check about the possibility of the club selling screened t-shirts.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secy. and they were accepted by the membership. Lee D. gave a treasurers report.

Old Business:

Jim Z. reminded the club about our continuing effort to build a historic file (archive) of the club, and invited any that have history or photos to include them in this building endeavor.

Jim Z. briefed the club on the status of the James Ray scholarship, given out by the EAA James Ray Foundation. 231 applications from various clubs have been received, and our club is one of the 136 that have been approved for further consideration. 90 Clubs have already received funding. EAA encouraged our club to increase our footprint with the community, and the EAA, thus the club has decided to begin a VMC and IMC club to have pilots share knowledge/experiences, and it will address problems/considerations of other real world scenarios that will be sent our way by EAA National. Initial plans are to meet once per month. Further announcements on this will be coming soon. The club had several volunteers step forward, via signup, to kick this off. A program called the Flying Start Program is being looked at also.

Tom B briefed the club on our thousand dollar scholarship, and he has re-designed the application form for it. Our P.O. Box has been eliminated as it was found to be under utilized. He is preparing letters to distribute to various schools/councilors. The due date for applicants is April 19th. The scholarship committee will meet to conduct business immediately after our April 20th meeting.

Jim Z. reported that if the club can get 10 people to Airventure Oshkosh we could serve pancakes and thus earn some money for the club.

New Business:

A busy day is planned for our Chapter 1117 youth Young Eagles Day on Saturday, May 4th. with a weather day of May 18th. Jim B. is the coordinator of this event at present. All pilots wishing to participate must have a certificate of completion for the EAA Youth Protection Program. (once the short training lesson is completed online, EAA will send you this certificate via email) Those that have taken it in the past, check you currency , as it must be renewed within three years from the date of the first one. It is anticipated that the start time will be at 10:00 and it will end by 3 PM; headquarters will be in the conference room.

Mike H. shared his experience of an alternator failure while airborne, and the procedure for replacing it.

During the open forum, Ed O. briefed on our 501 (c) 3 status, and Tom B. briefed the club on the Aviation Teachers Program that has attracted local teachers into learning more.

Jim Z. reminded members that is a great source for events happening around the country and encouraged everyone to check them out. Also check out the club’s site:

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.. Truman Sager, Secy.

February 2019 Minutes
Posted on February 18, 2019 at 11:30 PM Delete delete   Overlays edit  
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Feb. 16th, 2019 with Jim Zarlengo presiding. The minutes of the last meeting on 17 Nov. 2018 were read and accepted by the membership with no corrections recommended. Frank showed a clip of recent glider flight and spin testing.

Lee gave a treasurers report. This information is available to any club member by contacting Lee. New member John Hoecker introduced himself and gave a brief synopsis of his flight experience and goals. The club welcomed him as well as new members Tom Tomlin and Karen Tomlin.

Old business discussed: Jim Zarlengo reported on the club's progress on our participation in the James Ray Scholarship program. James Ray was a B-17 pilot and flew in the D-day invasion. He lived in Montana and was a successful business man who promoted flying and learning to fly.

A standard grant proposal was sent in and it was acknowledged by EAA National. A gmail account has been set up, it is: We are expecting further correspondence from National in early March.

A Club Scholarship Coordinator will be appointed soon, as this is a requirement in order to participate in the program. If we are given the green light by National, we will have most of 2019 to pick an awardee.

Glider scholarships will also be promoted by the club through Frank W.

The Learn to Fly Day (LTFD) will be held on June 29th, with much coordinating with the airport and Aims Flight School. This is the 75th anniversary of the airport. Food trucks will likely be available, but the final plan is not available to us at present.

The Boulder EAA Chapter 1627 has an open invitation for us to visit their hanger on Wed. Feb. 20th at 6 PM. They have a BT-13 Norseman and some early engines available for viewing.

EAA AirVenture will be July 22-28th at Oshkosh, WI. Ed O. announced that the local Renegades (flight team) will perform at least once at Oshkosh, and possibly more. The team consists of RV model airplanes with one Giles 202??

High school senior, and CAP cadet Anna Stoltz, our John Artz Scholarship winner, gave a presentation on her flying progress and her goals. The club was very interested and pleased with what she had to say.

New Business discussed: Darrel Dilley reminded the club about information available to us such as: webinars, the Wings Program, Hot topics, etc. Information can be found on Frank W. also reminds us that there are glider webinars also, where Wing credit can be earned.

A Young Eagles Day is being considered this year.

Jim announced that we will be starting an archives file of the club, where we can put some history of the club together, Anyone with pictures/stories of the past can have them included, and they are encouraged to do so. Mark H. volunteered to write a narrative to kick it off.

A 2019 Chapter 1117 Scholarship offering was adopted by the membership, and the scholarship committee will begin advertising for, and selecting, a Chapter 1117 flight scholarship winner. This will be a one Thousand dollar scholarship, as it was last year; it is for young people living in Greeley and adjoining town addresses.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

December 2018 Minutes
Posted on December 18, 2018 at 11:55 PM
A regular meeting EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Dec. 15th, 2018. Ron Bland presided. The clubs holiday season dinner was confirmed for Jan. 12th, 2019 at the Cattlemen’s restaurant. Cocktails at 6 PM, and dinner at 7 PM.

The possibility of an airport day was discussed. The airport people, and Aims Flight School, will be invited/encouraged to assist. The 3rd weekend in June is a potential date.

Jim Z. briefed the members on the progress of, and detailed planning for, the application process for the James Ray Flight Scholarship. Much discussion was on what methods the club would use to support and mentor the scholarship winner to help him/her attain the flight training within one year. This is a goal of the Oshkosh scholarship committee. Applications to EAA will have to be completed as soon as mid January. There is an EAA Webinar available on the James Ray Scholarship for anyone to review this potential 10,000.00 scholarship.

The club must appoint/recruit an individual to be the clubs representative in this important coordination.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40.

November 2018 Minutes
Posted on November 18, 2018 at 11:55 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Nov. 17th at the Greeley Airport conference room. Ron Bland presided. Ron announced that our new club President will be Jim Zarlengo, and the membership heartily welcomed him into this office. He will take over in January 2019.

The club’s holiday season dinner will be on Jan. 12, 2019, at the Cattlemen’s Restaurant. Look for an email on the details soon.

2019 will be an important year to the airport as it is will be the 75th year since opening. The club plans an activity like an airport day, to be in early June. It could be patterned after the Longmont airport day or similar. More to be announced on this later.

Ron briefed the membership on changes happening on the airport, with new hangers, new paving, growth of airport businesses, etc.

Theo Magi, a recent EAA Chapter 1117 flight lessons scholarship winner, spoke to the club about his progress and experiences in attaining his private pilot license as well as his present endeavor of studying, and doing more flight training at Aims flight school. He reported that he was the first person that had a flight lesson in the school’s new Archer aircraft. He shared about his love of flying with the members, a group that well understood his joy and interest in this endeavor.

Tom B. showed a video about the EAA’s James Ray Aviation Scholarship. This EAA scholarship is administered through the various chapters to prospects who are 16 to 19 years of age and it can be worth up to $10,000.00 per student. It is for the expense of earning a private pilot certificate. A million dollars is handed out each year. The chapter and the prospective student both have to apply, and there are many aspects to consider. The application period starts Jan. 1st, and should be completed in Feb. The first round of awards will be announced in the March to April timeframe.

The membership discussed the possibilities, and if we wanted to participate in this program. The general feeling of the membership was that we should not miss an opportunity like this to support our community/aviation students, thus a motion was put forth to apply for this program. The motion was seconded and voted on, with all members present in favor. The executive committee, and the scholarship committee, will be working on a coordinated narrative about our club’s history of, and efforts for, supporting youth programs, offering Oshkosh training programs, giving scholarships etc. Clubs are scored partially on their record of support. More to come on this later.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45. Truman Sager, Secy.

September 2018 Minutes
Posted on September 17, 2018 at 1:10 PM Delete delete   Overlays edit  
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Sep 15 at the Greeley airport conference room at 09:15. Vice President Ed O’Connor presided. As the club scholarship, for an area youth to be used for flying lessons, has not yet been announced for 2018 the committee will meet immediately after the Chapter meeting for finalizing this selection. This Chapter 1117 scholarship is for one thousand dollars, and is to be used for flying lessons. It will be awarded to a youth from the Greeley area, or immediate surrounding communities. This will be an ongoing annual program for the club.

A possible future Young Eagles rally, and an alternative to the Learn to a Fly day were discussed. We would still try to work with the Aims Flight School on a LTF Day, but the school will be moving soon, and they will be approached at a later time on this. This is an ongoing planning item.

Announced at Air venture Oshkosh is a new emphasis: the EAA Flying Start Program. It is a program that is designed to welcome new aviation enthusiasts to the fun, freedom, and accessibility of personal aviation. It is designed to provide interested adults with a local pathway into the world of flight. Flying Start participants will have direct access to EAA’s Eagle Flights program through a hosting chapter, allowing them to experience aviation for themselves with a free introductory flight and informal mentorship from an EAA volunteer pilot. After the flight the participants will receive a free six-month membership to EAA. Due to the flying requirements, It was agreed that if the club did this, we would try to combine, and cooperate, with another EAA club in order to make it as successful as possible. This can be a part of our future planning.

Lee showed a video about an AirVenture project where a RV-12 was constructed and flown in within a weeks time, of course using many builders doing hands on. He also showed a short take on a do it yourself pitot static leak check using surgical tubing.

It was announced that Mr.Ray Hawkins will be at the October meeting discussing Seaplanes and the progress in getting more places approved for landing in Colorado. He is every knowledgeable on the subject.

Don Buman gave us briefing on his recent enjoyable flight into the mountains in this 182 to Johnson Creek airport, Idaho (3U2).

Ed O’Connor has a Sonerai aircraft kit that is partially constructed, with a disassembled VW engine, that is for sale. Asking price is 500 dollars.

Meeting adjourned at aprox 10:40.

Truman Sager, Secy.

August 2018
Posted on September 9, 2018 at 8:40 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Aug, 18, 2018. The club was briefed by Frank Whitley on advanced high performance gliders including the pressurized Perlan Mission II glider. Frank projected many pictures of this aircraft and explained how it might fly above 90,000 feet. Thanks Frank.

Jim Zarlengo briefed the club on his impressions of the 2018 Oshkosh, WI event. He brought many show publications, including a very newsy daily newspaper printed just for the show. These publications show the dedication of the organizers and how much the show pubs have advanced over the years. Thanks Jim.

Chad Cameron also briefed us on his interest in seaplanes, and what the industry, and that community, is doing today. Thanks, Chad.

Minimal business was conducted, as everyone was so interested in the topics of the day. The scholarship committee will meet soon. Truman Sager, Secy.

March 2018 Minutes
Posted on March 18, 2018 at 3:10 PM Delete delete   Overlays edit  
A regular meeting of Chapter 1117 was held on March 17th, 2018, with Ron Bland presiding. This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Aims aviation program. Aims again will be heavily involved in our Learn to Fly Day. We salute them, this event, and their involvement in the greater Colorado community.

This year we will have two full runways available for use during the Learn to Fly Day. We only had one last year.

Some coordination with fuel and food vendors, Aims, and certain members of the club have already taken place, Most members have agreed to do the jobs they did last year for the LTF Day. A new advertising poster is being designed, and will be available soon for distribution.

The Goodtimes Car Club will be in attendance again this year, and the Greeley Fire Dept. will participate. The airport personnel are working closely with us on parking, traffic cones, marking tape, air traffic flow etc. also.

March 30th is a deadline for receiving our flight scholarships for 2018. The club looks forward to awarding them.

Ed O'Connor gave a brief presentation and review of the FAA Wings program, and where information can be obtained for it.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15.

Truman Sager, Secy.

November 2017 minutes
Posted on November 20, 2017 at 3:50 PM
A regular meting of EAA chapter 1117 was held on Saturday, Nov. 18th, in the Greeley airport conference center. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary. Items of discussion were: The club leadership has agreed to continue in their present positions. No change were made.

It is a possibility that our Learn to Fly Day in subsequent years after 2018 might have to be conducted differently than it is now due to a possible relocation of the Aims flight school It may be like an expanded Young Eagles/Eagles day or similar. Several other applicable scenarios were discussed as well.

Flying, and learning to fly, were discussed with respect to controlled/uncontrolled airfields. A few interesting experiences and insights were shared.

The club discussed offering another flight lesson scholarship in 2018. More details on this to come later.

Our annual January get together dinner date was set of January 13th, and will be at the Cattleman’s Steak House & Saloon, 2600 West 11th Street Road, Greeley. Spouses and significant others are invited. More details on this will be announced soon.

October 2017 Minutes
Posted on October 22, 2017 at 8:30 PM
There was regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 on Oct. 21st. Items discussed were: upcoming planning for our Learn to Fly day of May 19th, 2018, our normal meeting date. This event will be in close coordination with the Aims Flight school, and it will be in their spaces as in past years. More effort will be given to photo taking and supplying certain magazines with our event and scholarship presentation news.

The county is open to a fly over, by the club flyers, over a new completed roadway to celebrate its completion. If we desire to participate, we will need leadership volunteers. This event will be on our next meeting date of Nov. 18th. at 11:00 AM.

A program was given by Mike Holland on a low cost ADS-B, in and out, installation for light aircraft, as well as other modern, in cockpit, pilot navigation technologies. Mike would be glad to supply information to anyone in the club on this.

It is that time of the year when we must choose club officers. The position of President is now open to anyone desiring this leadership experience to add to their resume. The position of secretary is open also. Lee has agreed to continue as Treasurer. Other positions open will be announced as this information becomes available. This can be your chance to exercise your organizational skills to enable the club to continue to operate smoothly and effectively, and to have little fun along the way. No one officer is an island, there is always much help and advice available/offered from other experienced club members to assist you. We have an enthusiastic membership who jump in and get er done when events/needs arrive. We have many very capable/smart members who can enjoy talking part in our club in this manner.

Truman Sager, Secy.

December 2016 Minutes
Posted on December 19, 2016 at 2:20 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Dec. 17th, 2016 at the Greeley airport conference room at 09:30. Ed O'Connor presided.

The minutes were read by the Secretary, and they were accepted by the membership with no corrections requested. Treasurer Lee D. reported that our financial accounts remain the same as last month. Dues are now being solicited. The Chapter renewal with EAA National has been applied for, and the required payment of approximately 400 dollars has been sent.

Old business was reviewed. February is the planned month for a program for the club meeting. Several ideas on programs, that were brought up at the last meeting, were re-visited and discussed. A visit to the Longmont ARTCC in Longmont is still planned. There will be more details on this later. Coordinating this visitation can take awhile due to security/coordination etc.

The club was given a used handheld vhf radio. The club discussed whether to keep it, sell it, raffle it etc. It was decided that we could raffle it during the May Learn to Fly Day. A battery will be replaced first. Ed O. has possession of it at the present time.

New Business: Our Learn to Fly Day will be May 20th for 2017, which also happens to be the same day as Armed Forces Day. Aims Flight School will be included in our planning for this event.

Mark H. will coordinate the fine points of our January 7th dinner at the Cattleman's restaurant. An email to the membership will be forthcoming on this soon.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45. Truman Sager, Secy.

November 2016 Minutes
Posted on November 22, 2016 at 6:45 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held at the Greeley airport conference room on Nov. 19th, 2016 at 09:30. Visitors John Craig, Erin Rossiter, and Dave Robb were introduced and welcomed.

Ideas from the membership, for future programs /events, were brought up and discussed in order to assist the new Activities Coordinators with their planning. Activities brought up were: (1) Inviting a speaker from the Sampson Motor Co. come and present their car-plane design, (2) Taking up Paul Brevard's offer to come and talk on magneto installation/maintenance and management, (3) Utilizing various FAAST speakers. These talks offer credit for the Wings program and possible credits for aircraft insurance. Their talks generally concentrate on aviation safety, weather, mountain flying etc. The new conference room can accommodate up to 55 people, (4) Utilizing a speaker to talk about engine care and maintenance, (5) Inviting a speaker who represents Savvy Aviation ( to present their Engine Monitor Data Analysis Program, (6) Show a DVD of 2016's Oshkosh event, or other aviation related events, (7) A possible summer cookout, (8) An open hangers day with possible BBQ, (9) a possible virtual tour of the Sierras, with their gold field history, etc.

Mike H. discussed the airport at West Yellowstone as a possible destination airport. They cater to back packing/hiking. They offer on airport tent camping, portable showers, they have 3 mountain bikes for use in visiting the town, and they have a security fence which greatly limits wildlife etc.

Ron B. reminded everyone of the closure of RW 17/35 at Greeley in order to resurface it.

Treasurer Lee D. reported the club treasury has $10,427.00.

No chapter meeting is planned for January, as we will meet at the January 7th dinner at the Cattleman's Restaurant.

Choosing a youth, for our scholarship, to attend an Oshkosh Air Academy, or to help pay for local flight lessons, was discussed. Travel costs, and chaperoning a young person to attend the Air Academy remains a question mark for us. Tom Boos gave a brief on progress toward this end. An application form will be finalized by the scholarship committee soon. He also reviewed the success of our recent Young Eagles day. Tom has become an aviation merit badge counselor for the Boy Scouts.

Ron B. reminded the club of the aviation art contest that is sponsored by the airport, and that the club is interested in assisting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45.

October 2016 Minutes
Posted on October 16, 2016 at 2:15 PM
A meeting was held at 09:30 on Oct. 15th in the Aims class room with Ron bland presiding. Tom Boos gave a summary of the Young Eagles Day of Oct. 8th. 12 Young Eagles were flown by members. Two more that had signed up and could not come, and one Eagle, will be flown tentatively on the 22nd by Truman and Russ. Tom announced also that he will become an aviation merit badge instructor. 8 Young Eagles from Boy Scout Troop 1 were the preponderance of the group. It was generally expressed that Girls Scouts are also welcome to become EAA Young Eagles. Frank Whitely gave a brief on the present situation, and opportunities for people, of soaring clubs across the U.S.

An existing Greeley airport program of displaying aviation art by school kids was presented by Ron. A proposal was discussed whereby the Chapter 1117 could participate as additional sponsors for this by offering an airplane ride and/or a 50 dollar cash prize for the winner. This will be further developed and discussed more at a later date. The club membership expressed much support for the idea.

A 2017 Learn to Fly Day was tentatively set for 20, May, 2017. This is also Armed Forces Day. The Aims college is celebrating an anniversary, and again desires to be a part. The Aims flight school has become a integral part of the LTFD and is instrumental in its success. Ed offered that advertising is key with radio, flyers, and newspapers being utilized. Coordination by Ron with Aims is ongoing. The club is always looking for people who can spare an aircraft for a static display which always adds to a successful day.

November is election time for the club. Anyone desiring to hold a position in the club can let the leadership know. Most club positions for 2017 will be filled by those presently holding positions. The club has agreed to create an activities coordinator. Mark Hinze has agreed to be a co-chair for this position. The club is encouraging someone to step forward and assist Mark. It is generally felt that a program, or guest speaker, could be scheduled at least every other month, but that would be up to the co-chair individuals. We will have access to the new conference room, with computer screen, for our meeting use. All members of the club were encouraged to send program ideas to club leadership for consideration. This can include tours, fly outs, talks from club members, etc.

A belated Christmas dinner is tentatively scheduled for January 7th at the Cattleman's restaurant. Cocktails will be at 6 with dinner at 7pm. The Secretary will make this reservation.
The John Artz scholarship money discussed. This will be spent on a EAA Flight Academy, or flight lessons to a local young person who is selected by the club. Thank you messages will be sent by the Secretary.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:50 Truman Sager, Secy.

April 2016 Meeting Minutes
Posted on April 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on April 16th, 2016 in the Greeley airport conference center at 09:30. Ed O'Connor presided. Two new members were introduced: Frank Whiteley, and Dennis Moss. Dennis is a returning member.

Last month's minutes were read by the secretary, and accepted. A treasurers report, from Lee, was taken as follows: general fund: $7018.91, Pay Pal fund: $1063.15, making a total of $8082.06.

Old business included a review, by Ed, of the club's add that will be put on the tables in the Barnstormer restaurant. Organizations that will donate, or possibly donate, food, airplane fuel and other items, to the May Learn to Fly Day, were mentioned.

New business consisted of refining our plans for the May Learn to Fly Day. Committee assignments were reviewed. A plan for addressing emergencies during the event was discussed. 911 will be utilized primarily.

It is estimated that 6 or 7 aircraft and pilots will be available for the flying event. If there is a great demand, another airplane was offered by Steve McIntyre from Western Plains Aviation.

Frank W. is planning on bringing a glider for static display.

A donation jar wil be available at the hot food stand to help cover expenses for the food prep.

A plan for a sponsor 's recognition sign was discussed. Ron is the go-to guy on this.

The airport will handle the port-a-pottie requirements, as well as the cones, stanchions, and marking ribbon.

Tom and Truman agreed to a plan to distribute flyers to local area middle and high schools. Ron has already notified the Greeley paper and has advertised on Pirate Radio.

There will be a final meeting prior to the Learn to Fly Day in the Barnstormer May 20th, with a walk-through at 11:00 am. This will be for key members, but anyone in the club is welcome to attend.
Everyone was reminded to wear their club hats, and name tags during the event.

Ed agreed to get the food, stock tank for sodas sodas etc.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.

March 2016 Meeting Minutes
Posted on March 23, 2016 at 10:45 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Saturday March 19th, at 09:30, in the Greeley airport conference room. Several members of the Good Times Car Club were present with us to find out details of the May Learn to Fly Day. They will be displaying cars there. The club welcomed them.

A surface drawing was presented to show spaces that will be utilized on the Learn to Fly Day on May 21st.

More refinements to procedures were discussed. These were things that will help the day run as smoothly as possible. It is possible that 7 or 8 airplanes will be available to give rides to those seeking them.

A different airplane taxi plan from last year will be utilized, again to make things roll smoothly.
It is planned that pilots with hangers on or near the Learn to Fly Day spaces will be notified in advance that they might be slightly inconvenienced. The club will coordinate with the airport on this also.

A regular club meeting is planned for April, however in lieu of a regular meeting in May we will have a morning walk through of the LTFDay spaces on Friday May, 20th where final coordination will be conducted. Committee members should strive to attend.

Don L. volunteered his 4 wheel Mule, and the car club will bring two other runabouts to assist in running errands during the day. The club thanked them for that.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50.

The club would like to recognize, and welcome, two new members: Dusty Rhoades, and Kent Newby.

Truman Sager, Secy

Februrary 2016 Meeting Minutes
Posted on March 19, 2016 at 11:50 AM  
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on 20 Feb. 2016 at the Greeley airport conference room at 09:30. Ron Bland gave us a brief on the new airport terminal expansion. It is planned to be accomplished this year. It will have a large conference room and offices. Other airport improvements were also discussed.
Tom Boos briefed the club on his efforts to promote the club's spring Learn to Fly Day as well as progress on reviewing finalists for our teen scholarship to attend the Air Academy in Oshkosh, WI this summer. Finalist are still being reviewed.

The EAA sanctioned Learn to Fly Day this year will be on May 21st.

Committee heads volunteered, or were selected as follows:

Food:        Ed O, and Mike H.

Insurance, CC, communications:       Lee D.

Airport coordinator:   Ron B.

Aims coord.:    Dusty Brailsford

Blue Sky coord.: Darrel D.

Ticket Sales:    Mark H

Logistics:   Russ D.

Parking:   Don L.

Publicity:  Truman S.

CAP participation:  Tom B.

Several ideas were discussed as to how the loading of passengers for the flying will be handled, in order too have it functioning smoothly.

An advertising push for the event is planned for mid April.
Also discussed was the new EAA Young Eagles Youth Protection Policy. This program is for all involved who work with young people at Young Eagles events. The best-practices training, and signing up for a background checks, should be done by 1 may., or e-Hotline has more info on this. For those completing this EAA request, the club would like to have your completion notification on file with the club. It can be forwarded to me, Truman Sager, when it is received. It will be held in a club file, retained by the club secretary. The club encourages cooperation with this EAA effort to give youth a great and safe experience during any Young Eagles Event.

The club is sponsoring an add for our club on the new airport restaurant tables.

A few 2016 EAA calendars are still available for purchase. Hang this attractive calendar in your man cave. The cost is $8.00. They are available from Lee Devlin.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 Am.

December 2015 Minutes
Posted on December 23, 2015 at 12:05 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Dec. 19th, 2015 at the Greeley airport conference room. More discussion was conducted concerning the summer EAA Academy in Oshkosh, and our planned scholarship for one individual to attend. This planning in ongoing.

Some discussion of our planned January 9th get together and dinner at the Cattleman's restaurant, was conducted. An email message reminder will be a forthcoming soon on meal choices available to us in the west dining room.

The spring Learn to Fly day was set tentatively for Saturday May 21st. Other interested groups will be contacted for coordination of this highly successful event.

It was decided that there will be no regular meeting in January.

Lee reported that the treasury has $8701.28 in the club checking account and $958.78 in the club's pay pal account.

A club friend, Vaughn Hansen, gave us a brief description of his new job with the FAA. The club wished him well in his new endeavor.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

November 2015 Minutes
Posted on November 24, 2015 at 9:30 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held on Nov. 21st. President Ron Bland presided.

A brochure was presented that discusses EAA expectations for pilots flying Young Eagles. This brochure is well written and is available in the club library. See Ed for availability.

Orders for the 2016 EAA calendars were taken. Lee will order them, plus a few extra for others that may want them.

All club officers have agreed to remain in their present positions for 2016, therefore no new elections were required. A motion was entered to accept the present officers. It was seconded and voted on with all present in agreement.

A treasurer's report was taken. A check for 2000.00 was received for the recent sale of the club's Sonerai aircraft. Adding this and 870.24 in our Pay Pal account to the 6701.23 in the general fund makes a total of 9571.47. Selling the other partial Sonerai kit was discussed.

The annual Christmas dinner (belated) will be either on January 9th or the 10th. A special e-mail announcement about this event will be put out shortly. It is planned to be at the Cattleman's Restaurant.

There will be a regular meeting of Chapter 1117 on on December 19th.

A partially complete RV-12 project is for sale from an individual. it is offered at a bargain price. Anyone interested can find out the details from Darrel Dilley. Tell your friends about this excellent project aircraft.

A state tax exemption for the Chapter was discussed. Ed is checking on getting this. 

Ed reminded us that a collection of aviation videos/movies is available for anyone in the club to check out. The possibility of giving these to Aims Flight School was discussed. More on this at a later date.

Tom Boos gave a brief on the success of the October "So, You Want to be a Pilot" workshop and Young Eagles flights. He thanked everyone that assisted in this, and he reported that it was well received by the students. The pilots enjoyed sharing with these young people as well.

The summer EAA young person's, workshops at Oshkosh were discussed. A motion was entered for the Chapter 1117 to offer a scholarship of $1000.00 to one young person, high school junior or senior, to attend one of the offered workshops. It was seconded, and voted on with all present in favor. More on this later.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00.

September 2015 Minutes
Posted on September 24, 2015 at 10:30 AM
A regular meeting of Chapter 1117 was held on 19 Sep. at 09:30. Having a fall Young Eagles day was the main topic of the day. Time was allowed for discussion, and a briefing by Tom Boos about the Frontier Academy High School Training Days. A motion was put before the club to have a limited Young Eagles event on Friday, Oct. 16th , and Sat. Oct. 17th for the purpose of supporting the Frontier Academy High School Training Days. The start time for the flying will be 08:00 and go until aprox. 4 pm. If we have plenty of airplanes , then the Saturday will only be a day to finish the flying, and it then will not be an all day affair. As the club has limited lift capability, and because club 515 in Ft. Collins/Loveland is having a Young Eagles day on Oct 3rd it was decided not to throw it open to the entire community.

Tom estimated that between 15 and 20 students would be desiring a flight. (limited to 20 maximum). The motion to schedule this 2 day activity in October was seconded and adopted with a majority in favor. A rain date would be the Oct. 23rd and or the 24th.

Our traditional Christmas dinner was discussed, and many suggestions as to where we could have it were aired. We had it at the Cattleman's last year in early January. It will have to be settled at the next meeting.

Lee gave us a treasurers report.

The club discussed our sponsoring of a scholarship for a young person, or two, to attend Air Camp workshops at Oshkosh next year. We are in the learning process about how to make this happen. More to come late on this.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Truman Sager, Secy.

August 2015 Minutes
Posted on August 16, 2015 at 10:40 AM
A regular meeting of EAA chapter 1117 was held in the Greeley airport conference room on August 15th at 09:30. We welcomed joining member Doug Cheney. Introductions were made in his behalf.

An offer to the chapter, to purchase the chapter airplane project, was discussed . A motion was made to sell it at the offered amount. The motion was seconded, and all present were in favor. The motion to sell the project was adopted.

An individual with a Vans RV-12 project for sale was discussed for general interest.

Russ Dent briefed us on some of the events at the recent Oshkosh event. Others with knowledge of the event shared also.

Tom Boos briefed us on his upcoming Frontier Academy training days in October. Flying events are planned for the 7, 8, 12, and 13th. Final coordinating will be done at the next chapter meeting in September.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:37.

June 2015 Meeting Minutes
Posted on June 22, 2015 at 9:05 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was held at the Greeley airport conference room on June 20th, 2015. At 09:30. Lessons learned from the Learn to Fly Day in May were discussed.

Reports were taken from organizers. approximately 220 persons were given a ride in an airplane, keeping pilots and airplanes busy. Ron thanked all of the participants, especially Aims College, for doing a lot of the flying and support, and for use of their spaces. Airplane fuel was mostly paid for by sponsors, with the club's share reported as being $182.79. The club took in $509.00 of food sales which cost $161.17, hence a good profit was realized for the club. Approximately 200 hamburgers were served, along with numerous hot dogs. Ed O'Connor made a recommendation that we start the cooking about 11 AM, and that the hot dogs would be thawed out sooner, so that they are not a brick of hot dogs when they are needed to place on the grill. 70.00 worth of hats and T shirts also were sold.
For future events, a different traffic plan was discussed, as well as having additional parking.

More tables would have been nice to have. Tom Boos reported that the CAP had a few extra that could be put to good use.

Several ideas were discussed also, about how best to handle the waiting areas for airplane riders, and how better to delineate certain areas that are required to make the operation smoother; for example taping off the boarding area better, as well as having more information signs. 

Ron made a recommendation that Chapter 1117 look into sponsoring a youth or two to go to Oshkosh in the summer of 2016 in order to take part in one of several Air Camps. Lee Devlin agreed to look at this possibility further. If the club decides to do this, we will have to decide how much money the club should afford to spend on it. As Treasurer, Lee also reported that we had $7568.70 in our treasury.

If the club organizes a Young Eagles Day, it was discussed having it in August or September.
Discussed also was making a day of flying 15 students attending Frontier Academy for an Elective week in October. There was a gerneral consensus of support for this activity. Tom Boos briefed us on this.

Ron reported a desire of the Dream Foundation to fly one individual, who has earned accolades for work done and desires to have a ride, Darrel Dilley offered to cover this request.

Peter Holmquist introduced himself as a visitor, and was welcomed.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:45.

April 2015 Meeting Minutes
Posted on April 6, 2015 at 9:20 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was convened at 09:33 on 4 April, at the airport conference room by President Ron Bland.

Dan Jaeger from Sterling, CO was introduced, and he joined the club.

The membership list was updated and some inactive members were dropped from membership.

To accommodate some potential members it was decided by a motion that the club's regular meetings will be held on the 3rd Saturday of each month rather than the first Saturday as we have done in the past. The motion carried, and thus was accepted. The meeting time will remain at 09:30. A reminder will be sent out on April 29th to the membership reminding them of the change. No regular meeting will be held in May. The next regular meeting will be June 20th.

The meeting then proceeded with final planning of the upcoming May 16th Learn to Fly Day.

On Saturday, May 2nd, there will be a walk through of the spaces that will be utilized, and final logistics considerations will be discussed. This will be for anyone in charge of a committee, or work and/or duty station, and any others that might be interested, such as static displayers etc. The designated meeting place will be in the terminal building conference room at 09:30.

New Walkie-Talkies will be utilized to coordinate events, airplane rider coordination etc.

Mr. Van Kratzenstein's RC club will be present. Other information was exchanged between members to coordinate committee work .
Members volunteered via a sign up sheet for duties not yet covered.

The Aims Flight school will be instrumental in supplying needed supplies, aircraft for rides, and making an interesting environment for the young people in attendance. Their flight instructor pilots have volunteered their time to give airplane rides and answer questions.

Static display aircraft protection was discussed, and plans made.

Advertising this event is the next goal to be accomplished, and plans were made for that. News releases three weeks prior was considered an optimal timeframe.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58.

March 2015 Meeting Minutes
Posted on April 5, 2015 at 12:00 AM
A regular meeting of EAA Chapter 1117 was convened on March 7th in the conference room of the Greeley Airport terminal building at 09:38. It was presided by Ron Bland.

Old business was called for. The Treasurer Lee Devlin gave a brief report of the dues paid up and those not. We were in good shape on this.
E-mail addresses were updated by some members.

The meeting then launched into planning for the club's May 16th Learn to Fly Day. Volunteers for committee leads were reviewed, and other individuals volunteered to cover all of the presently known requirements needed to have a successful event. Many ideas and things that worked well in the past were discussed.

Credit card purchases for hats and t-shirts etc. can be utilized.

Tables and chairs will be supplied by the Aims campus personnel.

Members of a new Student Club from Aims will be recruited for needed requirements, if possible. Ron has planned to have more activities and things of interest near the hangers to give young people more to do while waiting for flights, and for general interest. Several ideas were discussed.

The Civil Air Patrol will participate with talks and displays.
Darrel Dilley is coordinating with the Colorado Pilots Assn., AOPA, and the Airport Support Network.

A ticket system will be used to give airplane rides. Riders will be grouped into one, two or three people, and will be brought to the aircraft by a knowledgable adult volunteer.

A format for a release of responsibility form was discussed.

Darrel Dilley read a letter from the Young Eagles program authorizing the club some monetary credit to apply to the Air Academy Scholarship, or other scholarship. No decision was yet made on this.
A Young Eagles day is tentatively planned for June 13.

Ownership of the VW engine by the club was discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58.
Truman Sager, Secy.

February 2015 Meeting Minutes
Posted on March 4, 2015 at 11:20 PM
A regular meeting of Chapter 1117 was held on Feb 7th at 09:30 in the terminal building conference room. It was presided by Ronald Bland.

Member name tags are now available for those who ordered them recently. Orders for them can still be made.

The holiday dinner was briefly discussed, and all present seemed to agree that it was a success and an enjoyable event.

New business was called for: A Chapter 1117 Learn To Fly Day is planned again this year. (This is different than a Young Eagles event.) It was mentioned that the Ft. Collins/Loveland airport is having a Young Eagles day on June 13th, and an International Learn to Fly day on May 23rd.

More information will be forthcoming on coordinating our chapter's International Learn to Fly Day with the EAA national. Committee leaders and organizers were called for for this event, planned for Saturday May 16th. Several members agreed to some of the tasks required. Duties requiring commitments from members include at least the following: Static Displays. (Pilots for Christ may be able to assist)


Airport coordinator ( Airport manager may be willingS to do this)

Blue Sky Flyers (Darrel D. Volunteered)

Parking (Don Lonhart )

Logistics, tables etc.

Publicity, (Truman- assist.)

Interviews (Ron)

Ticket Sales (Mark)

Insurance (Lee)

Aims College will be represented by their staff. Final plans for this event will be set at the March meeting.

Airplanes for static display, a popular event, are being sought.

Young Eagles Learn To Fly Day is planned for June 13th for our Chapter. A second one later in the summer was discussed.

Having our chapter build an airplane was discussed. Much interest was shown. Future discussions will take place. If the club would decide to do this, the club would need a good space, not necessarily a hanger, for this activity.

Other interesting chapter activities for the year were discussed such as a summer picnic, tours, program events etc. Suggestions are solicited.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 a.m.

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