Greetings all. Our 2024 fly nights got off to a shaky start. We had a cancellation and a couple of destinations needed to push to the following Tuesday. It was a wet and windy season.
Our August fly nights were on schedule and well attended. 8/6 was in Scherrico Meadows. Many air craft flew in and always a good time. Thank you Harold.
8/20 We had to hone up on our cross country skills to get to Adams County. Several aircraft flew in. Our host Rob Brown is also the manager of the airport. We were impressed with his operation. Had to push the limits of civil twilight to get home, but watching sun set was a beautiful sight. Thank you Rob for the invitation.
Thanks to all that hosted and to the members that flew or drove to the events.
It's not too soon to sign up for the 2025 fly nights. I have lots of openings! If interested in hosting, please contact me via email or phone text message. My email: Phone: 715 891 7213.
The third Tuesday in June and August are open and both Tuesdays in July are available.
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy winter. See you next year! Your fly night coordinator Dick Neitzel.
2024 Events:
June 4 Merrill group at RRL Postponed to Tuesday June 11
June 11 Merrill group at RRL Cancelled
June 18 Hosted by John Szigat at Antigo Langlade Co Airport Postponed to Tuesday June 25
June 25 Hosted by John Szigat at Antigo Langlade Co Airport
July 2 Hosted by Paul & Sue Buss at Norrie Brook WI00 Postponed to Tuesday July 9
July 9 Hosted by Paul & Sue Buss at Norrie Brook WI00
July 16 Hosted by Evan & Colleen Hansen at the Stevens Point Municipal Airport STE
August 6 Hosted by Harold Schauer at Scherrico Meadows WS16.
August 20 Hosted by Rob Brown at Adams County Airport 63C.
Should there be inclement weather to make flight unsafe, that event will be postponed until the following Tuesday at the same location. Should weather be a factor on that Tuesday, the event is cancelled.
If an event is postponed or cancelled, three members of the fly night team will make phone calls to the members that actively participate in the fly nights. Tom Voss will also be alerted and he will mass email all members of Chapter 75. I'd like to remind everyone to please verify and update as needed your contact information - phone, email address, home address, etc. Email changes to Larry Wenning
Enjoy flying this summer. Hope to see you on fly night.
Dick Neitzel