EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

Saturday Morning Coffee and Wings Seminar

Stop in Saturday morning

Saturday morning coffee: Now with Wings credit... and doughnuts
On most Saturday mornings, the Chapter 54 house at Lake Elmo Airport opens for coffee, hangar talk, and Laura Hermann's excellent weekly webinar on the big screen.  Chapter 54 member Bob Collins is now a member of the FAA's FAASTeam, so anyone staying for at least 50 minutes of the presentation is eligible for knowledge credits under the Wings program, which can extend the time due for the next biennial flight review. 

The Chapter House opens at 8:45 a.m. and the webinar starts at 9. On the first Saturday of every month, we'll go over a flying scenario as part of the EAA's VMC Club and play "what would I do?" for a little extra hangar talk.

The Basic Wings level of the program is designed for those pilots who want to establish a recurrent training program that will provide them a higher level of proficiency than merely preparing for a normal Flight Review as required by 14 CFR 61.56. Pilots need not accomplish the flight review requirements of 14 CFR part 61.56, if he or she has satisfactorily completed any Phase in the WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program since the beginning of the 24th calendar month before the month in which that pilot acts as pilot in command.  Be sure to set up an account at https://www.FAASafety.gov .

  For more information on the Wings program and the Saturday coffee and doughnut session, please contact Bob.

Saturday December 28 - No program (holiday weekend)
Saturday January 4 -  What would you do? At the monthly VMC Club session, we'll consider a pilot trying to enter a crammed pattern with a single, harried controller, and another plane heading straight for them. Then, we'll watch the EAA Webinar, "Collision avoidance in the traffic pattern. Tom Turner from the American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation discusses specific things you can do to see and be seen, including: When and under what conditions most midair collisions occur, Lessons from accident case studies, What’s legal—and what’s not—for traffic pattern entry and departure, Right-of-way rules and responsibilities, Practical collision avoidance tactics.
Saturday January 18 - Steve Lasday  reviews the human factors topic of the startle effect, its causes, mitigation measures and technologies. He’ll present information gained from his experience as a CFII and more recently as a Senior Feeder Flight Safety Specialist.
Saturday January 25 -  Tim Gaunett of Hartzell gives us a comprehensive look at combustion cabin heating systems currently used in the GA fleet, including theory and troubleshooting along with maintenance and installation tips. A presentation that is sure to "heat up" and expand your knowledge of cabin heating systems.


No Wings credit for viewing video

All about spins (12/14/24) - See video (EAA membership required)
The Wings program  (11/9/24) - See video
Intro to big drone operations (11/2/24) - See video 
Helicopter safety team app update (10/1924) - See video
Fly yourself to the Bahamas (9/21/24) - See video
Avoiding loss of control (LOC) accidents (9/7/24)  - See video
A look inside the EAA Pilot Education Center (8/24) - See video
The new helicopter standards (8/17/24) - See video

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