Congratulations & THANK YOU!! to Contributor Award Honorees
Rollie Noordmans
Joe and Michelle Lambert
We would also like to recognize the following for their having the matching raffle tickets winning the prizes given away at the dinner.
1. Brandon Eberts - $10 Gift Certificate to Wings Airport Cafe'
2. Nate Kruegan - $10 Gift Certificate to Wings Airport Cafe'
3. Michelle Lambert - Wings Cafe' Tee-Shirt
4. Levi Lee - Wings Cafe' Hat
5. Craig Rodamaker -Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Pie from Wings Cafe'
6. Jane Haubrich - Wings Homemade Apple Pie, which she gifted to Jon Barber and the crew in the Northpoint Aviation Service Hanger.
Just a few candid shots: